re: notable (lb) >>8314759 Anons nom - Greatest Act of Treason "The Rot Wrought by Democrats" [The US FEDERAL RESERVE]
The American Revolution, the war of 1812, and Civil War were BANKSTER WARS
"The refusal of King George 3rd to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the revolution." – Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father
End of 1st Bank of the United States (Roths) charter leads to War of 1812.
End of 2nd Bank of the United States (Andrew Jackson!!!) leads to US Civil War.
"The bankster’s influence in these wars used to be common knowledge in America and was taught in most schools throughout the remainder of the 19th century, resulting in a country with sound, stable currency based on precious metals which held its value and allowed the United States to achieve prosperity unimagined in a world dominated by the Rothschild banksters."
Want to know why the HAG_Queen & Britco run DS having been pushing muh Russia / Novichok / Ukraine /… so hard? Or why the Wall Street funded Bolsheviks (historian Anthony Sutton)
murdered the Russian royal family?
'Cause the Tzar did Abe L a major solid, back in the day, thwarting Brit DS Banksters
How The Russian Navy Saved The Union In The Civil War
A little-known alliance between the US and Tsarist Russia led to the Russian fleet showing up in force in New York and San Francisco. It arrived at a crucial time in 1863 when Britain and France were on the verge of intervening in the Civil War on the side of the Confederacy. An actual world war was on the horizon that would “wrap the world in flames” as Secretary of State William Seward put it. The mighty Russian presence deterred the Anglo-French from invading, and the Union was saved.