Anonymous ID: 603fdd March 4, 2020, 6:10 a.m. No.8315517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5572

Bitch got problems? Did we do that?


Denver City Democrat Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca


Secret Service Notified After Democrat Government Official Stands Behind Idea To Disgustingly Attack President Donald Trump’s Supporters With The Deadly Coronavirus


Some Democrats really are among the vilest of human beings. They preach love and tolerance and then call for the destruction of those who oppose them.

One example, but certainly not the only, of this is Democrat Denver City Democrat Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca, who used her government Twitter account to call for infecting supporters of President Donald Trump with coronavirus.


The councilwoman shared a graphic of someone who said that they would go to Trump rallies if they ever got the coronavirus and declared that she stood in solidarity with them.


“For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” the person in the original graphic said.

“#solidarity Yaaaas!!” CdeBaca tweeted with accompanying crying laughing emojis and fists.

Imagine how big of a piece of gutter trash one would have to be to stand in solidarity with spreading a deadly disease to people you disagree with.


“You should resign from the city council immediately you evil, soulless woman,” political commentator and author Mark Dice said.


“@SecretService please note the person stating to use the coronavirus as a bio weapon to attack presidential rallies!!!” another Twitter user said as she tagged the Secret Service, notifying them of the threat.

Anonymous ID: 603fdd March 4, 2020, 7:47 a.m. No.8316061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6175

Mini Mike dropping out is no surprise he did exactly what his masters planned.He was a Bernie spoiler and he fill the coffers of the DNC machine with over 500 million.