Anonymous ID: 64bdaa March 4, 2020, 6:14 a.m. No.8315533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5875

Anons, this is what I have learned educating myself and working as an anon in a western society, being now in my mid thirties.


It relates to the "unspoken" societal order of control, and it is all related to the 'sexual awakening' of children.


To make it clear now, I believe that people only need time to think, and that children should be raised to understand that they and others only need time to think. It is wrong to have sexual relationships or sexual experiences as a child because it is then the result of adults improperly raising and protecting their children from situations they can never reverse. It is taking advantage of someone who does not know better due to inexperience of life, plain and simple.


What follows is the unspoken knowledge.


I have understood that some kids experience 'sexual awakening' by not being protected enough by their parents or even encouraged by their parents who don't set boundaries or let them be influenced by anyone and anything (pedophile priests, random daycare workers or school personnel, degenerate culture etc). These parents call it 'hippy parenting', 'free love/unconditional love' or whatever else to avoid taking responsibility and raising their children properly. Properly raised children must understand that not everyone accepts what their parents seemingly might accept. It is not appropriate for children to test boundaries with other people, especially related to sex. If they do not know this, then it is the responsibility of the parents to make it known to others of how their children behave.


This however seems never to be openly discussed, however "guidance" seems to be provided by people with nefarious motives of what children should know about sex, rather than just giving children time to think and expecting them to reciprocate the respectful behavior by giving other people time to think.


These kids who have experienced the 'sexual awakening' then try to normalize themselves by being intrusive and overly affectionate to other people, kids and adults included, as they do not know why they should not force the same experience on other people, since their parents did not protect them or teach them differently.


This is what is wrong in current society, children raised improperly and people who have experienced as kids or as an adult children who act inappropriate towards them, seeking unwanted contact of sexual nature, unbeknownst to the receiver of this attention.


Some people play into it, don't refuse or resist such contact, and act as if nothing matters. These people are most likely over-represented in the LGBTQ+ community.


Some people, those who have incestuous relationships from their religious practices (jews and other abrahamic religious offshoots), they see it as normal and that everyone else is unaware of what they have been told "normal" is. This is evident of how prevalent sexual abuse of children is in abrahamic religions.


This has then been adopted into initiation rites for "secret societies" to blackmail people who then understand that children are never supposed to be in a sexual relationship with anyone, no matter the circumstances. The result is that some of these adults then try to normalize it, encouraging other people to take part in sexual encounters with young people or raising their own children inappropriately.


What becomes apparent is that people who have experienced sexual encounters with children or who don't resist unwanted attention from children seem to find themselves only resonating with those who want to normalize pedophilia, with the intention of forcing it on everyone. I would not be surprised if the molestation children and adults receive passing through airports is not a part of the nefarious agenda of normalizing sexual deviance.


This is not addressed properly

  • because people do not put any onus on children who are raised improperly and that it is inappropriate to question how people raise their children, to the extent that those children actually damage others

  • because too many people have been told to appreciate "free love" without understanding the consequences, that it is used to force the pedophilia normalization narrative on everyone else who were raised properly and protected from the degenerate culture.

  • because it has been implemented in initiation rites to people who hold powerful positions in society as a part of blackmail control

  • because of the religious element of abrahamic thought and the influence of these people in media, scientific files such as psychology and behavioral science.


When you notice the pedophile normalization agenda, and their active and passive players, you will be in a position to be severely ostracized from society as most people of influence are only there due to them already being compromised or corrupted. All the while the culture is telling you and those around you what to think and how to act.

Anonymous ID: 64bdaa March 4, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.8316078   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Shame is phenomenal currency.


I think that the way humans work, where we create our own reality, is perilous, since we are also able to be influenced by others into creating a certain reality before we are aware of the pitfalls of our current world.


This means that if we are influenced enough into committing improper or horrible acts, we will always only be able to create a narrow reality others might not even want to share, or a reality we can only share with people who have lost everything already.


I understand the immense problem of people who have been influenced poorly, and I do not want to create a reality for myself and others where this is even possible.


This might be a very uncommon thought, but a city with only adults would be a paradise for adults.


There are no cities with only adults, but universities and businesses with only adults provide a prosperous environment unparalleled to the city in which they reside, yet no one understands that a city with only adults would be a paradise for adults.


The flow of the city would not be influenced partially by the needs of individuals who do not contribute to the city (i.e. children). There would be no distractions or confusions, because the mental development and life experience level of those contributing to the surroundings would be relatively equal, as found in a successful business or educational establishment.


Children should grow up in the countryside, forest or at least the suburbs, but the city should be exclusively for adults.


People do not know this, because the mainstream culture says otherwise.


Instead people let themselves be controlled by those who know nothing else than how to create situations of confusion, involving children, to make matters worse.