Anonymous ID: 9ae869 March 4, 2020, 6:39 a.m. No.8315669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5676 >>5910 >>6007


This is damn interesting. Thought Sessions was doing his part. "Trust Sessions"-Q


WTF is going on here Q? And quit periodically poking your fucking head in and out of the board dropping shit we already know.


You're either gonna shit or get off the toilet. Myself, I'm getting ready to get off the lid, pull my fucking britches up and move on.

God Damnit.

Anonymous ID: 9ae869 March 4, 2020, 8 a.m. No.8316166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6262


Well, I've been in since the beginning and I've seen plenty to convince me but this is bordering on the absurd now. Yea, I know. Why haven't there been arrest, prosecutions blah, blah, blah and more fucking blah.


Think for yourself. I didn't need Q to tell me or teach me that. Been doing it my entire life. But, I also know this, that gut feeling when you know damn well something ain't right and that feeling, not emotion, intelligence guided by experience, is telling me that this entire thing could be nothing but fuckery.


I am 65-35 right now. I was 99-01. As I said, I've seen enough to know. I dug, I saw. But God Damnit, enough is enough. Q pops in every now and then here lately and drops shit crumbs we all already are aware of and In the meantime the fucking democrats are shit'n all over everything and doing it with impunity.


GO TIME Q. You've got it all? Then fucking utilize it. The longer this goes on the more people, real life, every day people are being hurt and worse. Part of "The Plan" also? Just collateral damage? My fucking ass.


Love my POTUS (no fucking homo) and I know he is as straight as they come. Best fucking President in my lifetime. But, time is ticking and if these motherfucking democrat, treasonous motherfuckers steal this upcoming election, all God Damned bets are off. Plan A that Q wanted to avoid is going to be imminent as these fucking traitors are a "Clear and Present danger" to this Republic. And we've just about had enough.So………………………………………..