Anonymous ID: 9e4703 March 4, 2020, 6:19 a.m. No.8315557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766 >>6033 >>6196 >>6249

Coronavirus in NY: Cuomo administration gets $40M, more power to respond


Cuomo issued what’s known as a “message of necessity” Monday night, which allows him to waive the required three-day waiting period between when a bill is introduced and when it’s eligible for a vote.

Some lawmakers weren’t convinced.

“What harm would be done if we waited until Wednesday and get some time to speak to some experts and the constituents we represent?” said Assemblyman Kieran Michael Lalor, R-Fishkill, Dutchess County. “What is the harm in waiting?”

A vast majority of lawmakers, however, ultimately voted for the bill. The Senate voted 53-4 in favor of the measure around 9:15 p.m. Monday, with the Assembly unofficially voting 120-12 just after midnight Tuesday.

Senate Minority Leader John Flanagan, R-Suffolk County, said the problem with the bill was “not its goal,” but rather “how we get there.”

Still, he voted in favor of it.

“This changes New York state law radically — not superficially, not marginally, not even subliminally,” Flanagan said. “The governor is being given far more power and authority than he’s ever had. The governor is being given far more power than he deserves.”

The measure won’t be permanent: It’s set to expire April 30, 2021. And lawmakers will be able to pass a resolution rescinding any actions Cuomo takes under the new law if they find them objectionable.


Just hours before yesterday Cuomo told us there is no emergency, suddenly last night everything changed and Cuomo rushes in another late night message of necessity, same way he force the sweeping gun grab "Safe Act" down our throats, in the wee hours of the night while everyone sleeps.


Well, the King finally got his crown last night, all hail King Cuomo!

He now can declare an emergency and he can also create new laws on his own!

Goodbye 2nd amendment!!

He declare martial law, ordering everyone to remain in their homes

He can call up the National Guard

Come into your home, think "we're here to check your health" it really will be to remove all firearms

He'll be able to control the voting

Powers last just long enough, It’s set to expire April 30, 2021


Step one accomplished

Get ready for the virus to suddenly bloom in NY, (They) will be setting the stage

Anonymous ID: 9e4703 March 4, 2020, 7:09 a.m. No.8315817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5922 >>5975 >>6125



The first years of making your own way is scary, everyone goes through that (unless your parents are rich but then you'll miss out on priceless life lessons). First thing I'll tell you is, worry is a useless emotion, it really is.


Your feeling overwhelmed, "How will I ever get to where my parents are?" It too much to take in, it's a huge mountain to climb. A GOOD paying job, a house, car, savings account, support a family, vacations.


Well it's going to take time, it won't come in 1-2 years and it won't come sitting idle worrying about it! One foot in front of the other, but you have to take the 1st step AND keep moving!


Make a list of realistic goals you want to reach, start small and prioritize them. Now pick a couple you want to accomplish first and list them. Write down the steps you'll need to take to achieve each one, there's your plan! Now do it!


Post that note on the frig or somewhere you'll see it every morning, read it every morning and say to yourself "that's today's priorities."


Do these things and it all will come, once you get a little time behind you and you realize you are making progress the worry will fade, you'll feel pride each time to reach a goal and most important you'll have the confidence "I can do this, I will do this!"


Now go make today's donuts!


P.S. Want a shortcut, a jump start? Join the military, seriously, look into how it can bring great benefits and jump start you years ahead of those who don't.

Anonymous ID: 9e4703 March 4, 2020, 7:52 a.m. No.8316112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6120 >>6219



TYB for all you do, the support for you bakers goes untold

I worked in customer service for a bit, didn't take long to realize the happy go silently on their way while the unhappy are always the loudest, gauge your success by all the silence. ;-)


This fren, this is why we are all here

