Thank You Baker
kinda reads Protocols of Zion-ish.
Concur than anons should read.
What are the options for "replacements" that look, sound and act as much like the original as Bidan?
I occasionally post a "cloning" graphic (pic) as a general way to convey "he ain't him any more" and I inevitably get a "clones wouldn't have a different ear and cleft chin difference—he's an actor" response.
These things clearly aren't mere actors. Obviously. Too similar looking, sound alike, can recall all the required memories (more or less).
Are they organic robots? Isn't there a genetic footprint req for that? I can't imagine it's truly living flesh over a machine, but I could see machine implanted in an organically-grown meat-suit/body and wirelessly connected to outside, groupthink control or "Ast proj leapable?"
Someone "fill me in" with know-ledge or speculation. I've kinda figured the B&W pic is fake or some futile sci-fi dream-tinkering, but possibly real? As in 1950's-ish and of a plausible machine-inside-human-form?