Anonymous ID: acddac March 4, 2020, 6:23 a.m. No.8315577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6176

Quick summation on events leading up to Super Tuesday. DNC run by Soros working through Obama. It's a private enterprise that does what it wants. Buttgig and Klobuchar were ordered to end their campaigns to push voted to Biden. Warren was ordered to stay in to siphen votes from Bernie.


Next up, when it's her time to drop out, Warren will endorse Biden. The key is to steal it on the first ballot and remove "any it was stolen" from Bernie scenario.


Bernie will concede and depending upon his payout, will endorse Biden. The process is being done to try to create unity in the Democratic party. Bernie knows this and will ask for a premium price. He was cheated out of a payout in Iowa and will make an obscene demand. Of course, he does have his heart to worry about and will trim demand accordingly (people have died for less).

Anonymous ID: acddac March 4, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.8316176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6212 >>6225 >>6265



Trying to work through timing of election and Dementia Joe. Why would you fake dementia as a defense, unless you were aware that you were going to lose. Or you are looking to set something up. What happens when he wins endorsement, picks a running mate and a string of gaffes are played end to end. If he pulls out after being endorsed, then the big surprise would be his veep would be the defacto nominee.


So the big surprise is that Hillary as Veep on a ticket with Joe gets another chance that seems more organic than manufactured.


They are trying to remove the machine label from Hillary and going for an aw shucks, weird circumstance, destiny crap.