Fake as a 7 dollar bill and gay as Boot Edge Edge.
Yep, an opinion, and a reasonable one. Why the fuck would Q and Q+ recruit this guy for a special mission that resembles nothing moar than a cringy LARP?
And suddenly this board is swarmed by faggots like you pushing this famefag and his jumpcut videos. Where are his bona fides?
This reeks of shill activity. Go fuck yourself and your larping wannabe youtube star. Though both of you are probably bottoms. Good luck with that.
>I can believe that he was involved in shady stuff. I can believe that he snuck into Intel and planted a malware motherboard. Sure. No prob. Even a semi-skilled madlad could do that. I have more trouble believing that he was affiliated with DIA when he did that. Not impossible, but why would DIA tell him to go to YouRubez? Maybe this guy is a clever gangster who claims to be DIA so that he can get away with madlad high jinks.
>And thus far, there is no sign that Q or Q+ recruited him. As far as I can tell, he claims to know who Q is, but he doesn't claim to be taking orders from Q. Apparently he – Austin – happened to know about time travel and Austin inferred that Q must be using time-travel-related tech. But yeah, extraordinary claims require extraordinary sauces, as Chef Boyardee used to say.
No. This "Austin" bullshit is clown activity all the fucking way. From the implausibility of the premise, to the gayness of the actor, to the sudden spooging of shill activity on this board pushing this nonsense. Those of us who have been at this for decades can spot this fuckery miles away.
I guess I gave you clowns too many pointers.
But then again, you clowns shouldn't need pointers from a nobody like me.
Maybe common core edumacation is having nice real world effects at this juncture?