Anonymous ID: f8901a March 4, 2020, 6:35 a.m. No.8315643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5660

Warren team turns grim after Super Tuesday wipeout


Elizabeth Warren had a plan for winning. It didn't work: In 18 nomination contests, she hasn't finished above third place — including in her home state.

Now, she's facing political and financial pressures to get out.

Warren's campaign declined to comment on her next steps after her dismal Super Tuesday performance. But allies who speak regularly with the campaign say the mood was bleak. A small wave of last-minute endorsements from groups like EMILY’s List, along with late financial help from a super PAC, did not significantly move the needle.

That's left the Warren campaign to wonder whether a path forward exists. While the campaign had insisted it still saw an opening by going to the convention — she will likely collect at least several dozen delegates Tuesday — the results were far below their own publicly-released projections.


The campaign also has financial constraints that come with a unionized staff of over 1,000 people — the largest field operation in the race besides Mike Bloomberg's — even after raising $29 million in February. With a payroll at over $6 million per month, the campaign likely needs to keep at least several million dollars on hand to cover paychecks, benefits, and other assorted shutdown costs to avoid going into debt. Warren was able to raise a significant amount of that money with her strong debate performances, but there is not another debate until March 15.

The super PAC that provided over $12 million in air cover to Warren ahead of Super Tuesday also has said it is not placing ad buys for March 10. Warren herself has no public events planned until Friday. Perhaps anticipating that the night would go poorly, she did not give a traditional election night speech but rather held a regular town hall in Detroit, which votes next week, just as results began to roll in. She hardly mentioned the elections happening Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: f8901a March 4, 2020, 6:38 a.m. No.8315660   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Thousands of people are continuing to pledge their support for Elizabeth Warren as their choice for the Democratic presidential nomination despite hugely disappointing Super Tuesday results.

The term "Warren Democrat" was one of the top trending topics on Twitter early Wednesday morning as social media users continue to support and appreciate Warren despite the race for the nomination looking set to now be between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

In a crushing blow for her campaign, Warren barely registered in most of the 14 elections during Super Tuesday. Even worse, she is forecast to finish third place in her home state of Massachusetts, gaining just 21.2 percent of the votes with 91 percent of precincts reporting at the time of publication.

Despite her crushing results, people on Twitter users are continuing to express their support for Warren.

However, other people are using the trending topic to place further pressure on Warren to stand down from the race, paving a way for her supporters to back fellow progressive candidate Bernie Sanders.

Anonymous ID: f8901a March 4, 2020, 7:23 a.m. No.8315918   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, he won't be able to Pied Piper his supporters into voting for the Dem establishment.

Either stay home or vote Trump.

Either is fine with me

Anonymous ID: f8901a March 4, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.8315996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6006

From Jan 2020:


Bloomberg Vows To Keep Staff Hired Through November To Defeat Trump — Even If He Doesn’t Win Dem Nomination

Anonymous ID: f8901a March 4, 2020, 7:46 a.m. No.8316058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watch CA.

Will they be quarantined?

Same area as Paradise Camp Fire and Oroville Dam fiascos.


Chico State Students to return from Italy due to coronavirus concerns


CHICO, Calif. -Several California State University, Chico students are going to have to return from overseas due to the cancellation of some university foreign exchange programs because of concerns about coronavirus.

On Mar. 1, 2020 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) asked U.S. institutions of higher education to "consider postponing or canceling student foreign exchange programs."

Chico State officials said Tuesday that they are continuing to communicate with students and staff on the ground as they evaluate sites and risk factors.

Some Chico State students are part of the broader California State University International Programs. That CSU program has canceled its international programs of study in China and Korea. Students placed in those countries have left or are currently in the process of leaving.

Even though CSUC officials said they do not have any students currently in the most highly impacted areas of Italy, they said the numbers in Italy indicate that the virus exists in all regions of Italy and is increasing. It is because of this that all of the Chico State students in Italy are coming home. Chico has three Italian study programs that have now been canceled. The University is assisting students with finding coursework in order to keep them on track.

In addition, five students from Chico State are part of the California State University International Programs in Florence, Italy. On Tuesday CSU officials determined that they should suspend their program for the spring semester. Online courses will be offered to allow for the academic progress of those students, who will be returning home to the United States soon.

Anonymous ID: f8901a March 4, 2020, 8:08 a.m. No.8316244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6257


>the Convention will most definitely get feisty once Bernie Bros realize that their praise Gulag man is in on the fix

I know a Berniebro who went to the last convention and protested outside the fence they put up.

Was so pissed.

Swears to be a Berniebro til the last breath.