Anonymous ID: d6fd3f March 4, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.8317193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

so I have one thing to ask clearly Q knows things and is a great source no da… but if Q is good why hasn't the order to legalize propaganda reversed I meen seriously ? the biggest issue in the country is propaganda and …. we let it go come on at lease answer that one…. or how about the whisleblowers dieing left and right that come out with info or nypd officers that were involved with the laptop im starting to think trump is we working the damn good whistleblowers their is no no way period….the pentagon whistleblower that came out and spoke out about the fbi setup … pentagon fires him and tries to silence him for …. the truth this is trumps doj after supposed clean up this is trumps fbi after supposed clean up this is trumps pentagon seriously just an answer that makes sense because this shit don't make any sense expecially the propaganda law … why and if someone sais o that's because trumps using propaganda … no just nnoooooo . if trumps doing what they are doing then they are all bad period propaganda is mind control of the public to get what you want good or bad its not ok