Since we have plane fags and boat fags, I think we need truck fags. For a truck fag post, you must include a picture of a truck in transit with a listing of it's completely made-up/presumed DS related cargo. In this picture, we have a blockade maneuver with three trucks carrying virus infected human cargo from Italy. They appear to be heading south on what appears to be a N.C. interstate. Presumed starting point was a N.J. harbor, and destination is likely eastern VA for clown camp instructions. "OK, everyone, when we drop you off at public events, cough a lot."
As long as there are plane and boat fag posts with useless QR related info, so too will truck fag postings be made. New board rules.
I am the sauce. My intel is sound. Just like the other 10% on any given baked bread.
They mostly come out at night. Mostly.
Never confirmed the Lolita Express John Roberts and Chief Justice John Roberts is the same person.
True or false?
Anon, I'm laughing at the superior "talent" here.
Which leads to a brokered convention, installing either Big Mike or Poop Stain Clinton.
Not for long.
Which leads to a brokered convention, and the insertion of Big Mike (see what I did there?), or Poop Stain Clinton.
Washington state, an easy state in which to commit DS fuckery in the attempt to keep a narrative running in the hopes that mounting deaths (normal for a flu season) will impel leftists onward, keep them agitated, cause mayhem, demonstrations, anything to cause harm to MAGA/deflect from election fraud, or (insert placeholder).
Quality larp. Tired of pretenders.
Quality larp. Tired of pretenders. >>8318188
Relax sensitive anon. Some of us with actual military experience have little patience for foggy intel, and creators of same. Don't make me take out a mirror. Keep making your quality memes. (that was a sincere compliment) Do you know any more than the average anon who has been here since the beginning? (insert placeholder answer)
That would make for a very worthwhile series of digs. I doubt there is such a thing, however. Maybe within individual companies, but not beyond that.
Shades/degrees of larp exist among anons, even those with the purist of intentions. Some of us are VERY serious researchers/infiltrators. Lifetime's worth that can't be shared publicly. Some of us roll our eyes a lot in here.