IRL got in the way for a while.
PAT104 landed at Madison and VM767 landed at Colorado Springs Municipal.
IRL got in the way for a while.
PAT104 landed at Madison and VM767 landed at Colorado Springs Municipal.
ADS-B is really screwing me around tonight. It's flickering like an old TV and tracking is difficult.
Here's my best guesses on destinations so far. R01052 has just taken off from Dane County Airport, Madison.
Ron Jeremy?
We also like our bread without salt.
Good times.
ADS-B is shittier than a shit thing with shit things sprinkled all over it tonight. It's wanktastic.
Beanz. Paytriot.
Anons be 1337 AF.
We like our lurking unsalted. Drinking salty liberal tears is OK though.
PAT901 landing at Dobbins.
R01052 is in the Northern pattern to land at Andrews, I capped it while I still could.
R01052 on final into Andrews.
What the actual fuck..?
Yeah, salting is used in encryption.