Anonymous ID: f756c3 March 4, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.8317953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7984 >>8016

Six Ways Why Coronavirus® Fails the Sniff Test


It appears reaction to Coronavirus® has wreaked more carnage globally than the virus itself. Although a 2-3% mortality rate is nothing to sneeze at, it’s not exactly a Biblical plague either; even if virtually none of it passes the sniff test.


Given how Coronavirus® has been reported, coupled with how it’s been handled, its dubious origins, the alleged number of infected and deceased, as well as the age and general health of those who are reported to have died….something stinks.


As I indicated in my last article, it seems Coronavirus® has, indeed, become the new Terrorism®. The dark powers want the panic. They need the hysteria. Why? For diversion, control, or all the above.


There can be no doubt the mainstream media is NOT trying to downplay COVID-19. Just the opposite. Except what makes this latest remarketing of coronavirus different than 911®, Weapons of Mass Destruction®, and The War on Terror®, is that, this time, the Alternative Internet is on board – even to the point of citing Orwellian Media sources.


In any event, healthy skepticism is not close-mindedness, per se, because we may one day have a genuine pandemic on our hands. But Coronavirus® doesn’t present the way one would expect if real. Instead, the hysteria has a sort of Y2K vibe to it all.


So I ask you, Dear Reader, what if all the numbers and the reporting regarding the contagiousness, infectivity, and mortality of Coronavirus® were completely erroneous? Or, worse…, complete bullsh*t like the Russian Dossier and the whistleblower behind Operation Ukrainian Impeachment.


What if the Chinese were punked?


What if every single human being on earth who has ever lived, has had coronaviruses in their system at one time or another and the math was exactly the same?


What if SARS and MERS were similar psyops played out…. when? During peak flu season.


Because, if all the fundamentals are wrong, then so will be the conclusions.


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