Anonymous ID: 689202 March 4, 2020, 2:38 p.m. No.8318734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8760 >>8787 >>8901 >>8917 >>8926 >>8928 >>8995 >>9145 >>9177 >>9363 >>9451

Trump is going to force the Ds to choose between Sanders or somebody else not currently running, thereby permanently fracturing the D party. Here’s how:


Super Tuesday proved that the D establishment are doing everything they can to avoid another 2016 situation with the Bernie Bros. Rather than steal it from Bernie, when he was clearly the front runner in 2016, they need another front runner. That’s why we suddenly had all those “drop outs” the day before Super Tuesday. Those candidates would have split the “moderate” D vote and Biden would have won more easily. So, problem solved! Go with Biden, establishment extraordinaire, and keep Warren in as a spoiler to draw votes away from Bernie. At this rate, Biden will get the most delegates before the convention, with the super-delegates waiting in the wings to push him over the 50% mark. That’s the D’s plan as I see it.


Enter Ukraine. They’re currently investigating Biden and his son for corruption ( America has a judicial treaty with Ukraine that states both countries help the other fight crime and prosecute criminals ( Biden is a soon-to-be indicted candidate, which will certainly hurt his chances in the general. But how does this fit into now?


If I may posit for a moment, if Biden gets indicted and arrested before the DNC convention, that will negatively affect his performance in subsequent primaries, because who wants to vote for a criminal? This will give Bernie enough room to win and make up the delegate gap, just in time to take the lead going into the convention. This will put the Ds in a no win situation:


  1. Either continue backing Biden, who may be well on his way to being extradited to Ukraine or sitting in a US prison on no bail (flight risk) pending a US trial; or,

  2. Back Sanders, an unlikeable candidate to the general American public b/c socialism and admiring people like Castro, and who will also gut the D establishment in favor of putting in his own radical “Bern it to the ground!” people, ala Trump and the Republican party; or,

  3. Insert a currently not running candidate that has “broad party appeal” and could “unite” the “moderates” and the socialists.


They go with Option 1, they essentially have no candidate going out to press the flesh, stand in debates, etc. An empty suit. The Ds cannot have this happen because there will no one to really oppose President Trump and he thus runs away with the general. Not to mention they’ll be seen as the party that supports corruption and criminal behavior. Also, the majority of Bernie Bros revolt and either stay home, vote third party, or go with Trump because screw the D establishment.


Option 2 sees the party backing Bernie and the current establishment’s ruling class get removed by Bernie in favor of more radical AOC types. Since they don’t want to lose their power, they’ll be forced to make concessions with Bernie to keep power. Bernie Bros turn out, but moderate Ds stay home or go with Trump because screw socialism. Also the possibility that the establishment force Bernie to pick a “moderate” like Reagan picked GHWB to “unite” the different party factions. My guess is Hillary, because she’s busy behind the scenes putting her people in high positions for the convention and she still has sway within the party. Then, at some point either before the election or after inauguration, Bernie suffers a fatal heart attack, according to her plan and she either becomes the candidate or the president. Won’t matter though. Trump slaughters Bernie in the general because not enough want socialism and Trump will run rings around Bernie in the debates.


Option 3 sees the establishment picking Hillary at the convention, most likely, because of the reasons stated in Option 2. The Bernie Bros feel betrayed and more enraged, permanently leave the party and form their own. It’s Hillary vs Trump 2.0, but this time the investigatory powers are with Trump. He’ll just keep letting Barr drip drip drip damning criminal information throughout the remainder of time leading up to the general. The general public votes overwhelmingly for Trump over a corrupt hag like Hillary, with a good chunk of what’s left of the D party voting for him.


Regardless of what option they choose, the D party will split either from their candidate getting screwed over in the convention, or because their candidate is a damn criminal. All Trump needs to do is allow Barr to run silent and then attack like the stealth bomber he is when the time is right.


Step 5: First round’s on me at the after election party, frens!

Anonymous ID: 689202 March 4, 2020, 3:01 p.m. No.8318976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8991


Ok. All that does is prevent extradition to Ukraine. Doesn't mean that they can't still share info with us and help us prosecute on this side of the Atlantic. Biden's still fucked.