Anonymous ID: be5a0c don;t /b/ flat tarded with jew words shill March 4, 2020, 2:50 p.m. No.8318868   🗄️.is 🔗kun


beware of jew words

great filters available/ texas is flat and your head shouldn't /b/

HRC DJT POTUS Jew jew Zion Talmud Bernie Hillary Syria Iran Vanderbilt Payseur

C_A Daniel JIDF Clinton Trump Yhead/family coronavirus Biden Sanders Durham Barr

Pompeo Daniel Rothchild Soros Lynn Klobuchar Benghazi Israel Trudeau Netanyahu Epstein

Rabbi Finkle Moses Bibi Jesus twat UN Merkel Antisemite MOSSAD ADRENOCHROME

s{Y}nagogue Edomite Canaan Moloch Willcock hivemind Killary MAGA voat Abraham Finkelstein

CNN Mueller Russia FBI Christ FISA spoopy "fake news" Hannity Tucker Comey Bloomberg

Covid Schiff Reuters Breitbart "FOX news" Republican Democrat Pence Twatter Reconcile Socialism

megrovian pro-Israel Greta Warren Elon MSM Ukraine NASA Merovingians Buttigieg

Cernovich Weinstein Obummer EVERGREEN Tesla

Anonymous ID: be5a0c March 4, 2020, 2:59 p.m. No.8318955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schumer crawled out of the dead sea scrolls

went on to eat a bunch of testicles in napa valley

got stuck doing cia gay porn after the depression in a ohio hogg farm and later a morrepark poultry plantation , and now gets to dunk cia niggs at dineyland haunted mansion to find the kids .