Anonymous ID: e1575d March 4, 2020, 5:22 p.m. No.8320182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0229


With Bloomberg in POTUS' rear view mirror,

Lets take a second to analyze an important connection.

Lindsay Firestone works for the Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Her family is of the Firestone Tire and Rubber company fortune.

They married into the Ford family, along with Harvey Firestone being a member of the Vagabond group

made up of Firestone, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Burroughs.


Interestingly, the Firestone family invested into the Drexel private equity firm to create

Drexel Firestone

which was derived from a 25% stake purchase of Drexel Harriman Ripley by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company.

Of course the Harriman in Drexel Harriman Ripley was because W. Averell Harriman was an owner.

Who was at one point married to Pamela Harriman…

Who bankrolled Bill Clinton to the presidency.

This will be VERY important a little later.



is that Former Drexel Burnham Lambert managing director Paul S. Levy left Drexel for

Gilliam Joseph Littlejohn which became Gilliam Joseph Littlejohn & Levy.

After some members left the company,

Littlejohn & Co was formed around Angus Littlejohn and the Levy family.


so here we are. Bloomberg through Firestone through Drexel and Harriman private equity firms to

Littlejohn & Co.

Now why are they of note?

in 2015 they SOLD their stake in Henniges Automotive to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China,

A sale that was facilitated by a company called Bohai Harvest RST where RST stands for

Rosemont Seneca Thornston, the founding members of Rostemont Seneca Partners.

In partnership with Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co. and Harvest Fund Management Co.


Henniges was a STRATEGIC ASSET with national security implication due to their production of various engine dampening and sealing systems.

And Obama, Biden just allowed China to purchase it. Bloomberg is within a few degrees of separation, and I"m sure after some digging it'll get juicy.


But wait, there's more!





Big M?



Now wait a minute.

Big mike's press secretary was a woman named Katie McCormick!

Now where have I heard that last name?


Why that's the McCormick family based in Chicago who founded International Harvester off the back of their invention of the MCCORMICK REAPER.

Now at the time Henniges was sold International Harvester was named Navistar.

Besides Navistar getting many choice gov. mil grants from the Obama admin,

They once purchased a company called the American Transportation Corporation (AmTran).

Now AmTran was formed by a few people, with the help of BIll Clinton.

Most notably, Mack McLarty was one of the founders.

Mack just so happened to turn out to be Bill Clintons first Chief of Staff as president!

Wow. Funny little world we have here.

Now McLarty is a high flying exec sitting on many boards and participating in many companies,

one that stood out to me?

Kissinger McLarty Associates.

Well i'll be damned.


Not enough for everyone?

Henniges was also owned, in majority, by a company called the Ruia Group/Essar Group.

Owned by the Ruia brothers in India.

Now who remembers Hillary attending a wedding in India during the 2016 pres. elections?

That was strange.

Did you know that that Sashi and Anshuman Ruia attended? Of the Essar Group? Which used to own Henniges?


Henniges keeps coming up…ties together bummer, hill, bill…many more.

This is going to be a fun election.


Maybe Potus can say 'nail' in a twat to confirm the direction?