this is a notable and ask for support to make that happen
Baker, can I get a second for you to enter this?
United States Merchant Marine
16 hrs ·
Image may contain: ocean, water and outdoor
Image may contain: water
Bill Doherty
16 hrs
We awaken, today Wednesday, March 4, 2020, and NOTHING has changed.
In spite of a myriad of confusing and vague United States Coast Guard Captain of the Port Orders, which Bouchard Transportation ignores, or convinces the author, Capt J Twomey, USCG, to extend, modify or otherwise nullify, the crisis becomes more critical every day.
These innocent American Seafarers have been held hostage, without pay now, since January 1, 2020, for SIXTY-SIX DAYS!!!
Think about the financial impact that crisis would have on you. Think of the impact on you loved ones. The breadwinner hasn't been paid in over two months, and is held hostage, unable to find alternative work.
I know, some say it couldn’t happen, because we are “Union”, but ask yourself this.
What would stop a Captain of the Port issuing similar orders to a vessel you were on, and what legal power would your Union have to stop it.
I am a proud member and pensioner, from the largest Licensed Deck Officer Union in the United States.
Unions can’t violate legal orders, anymore, than innocent Seafarers can.
This must be stopped today.
The United States Coast Guard must stop misusing or abusing their power, and facilitating an unscrupulous Shipowner, Morton S. Bouchard, and bring our fellow Shipmates home paid TODAY.
Show some moral backbone, United States Coast Guard, and get this hostage situation resolved today.