I have a question. Would love to see if anyone can give me some advice or knowledge.
Yesterday when I was gaming with my buddy on my PC. I accidentally bumped my phone slightly against the side of the computer. My computer ended up shutting off and then restarting; however my mouse wasn't lighting up and I was getting no display on my monitor. My keyboard was lighting up still though.
Okay, got that out of the way. So what I did next was..take out and reseat the graphics card and both the ram sticks. Powered it on. Nothing. The next day I ended up removing the graphics card again and this time resetting the motherboard. I removed the coin battery thing. Waited ten minutes. Put it back in and powered up my computer. Same thing. No display on monitor. Monitor is powering up and everything.
Lastly, I removed one of the two ram sticks. Powered on the computer and same thing. HOWEVER, when I removed the single ram stick from inside and switched it with the other one. My computer started working again…everything lit up..got display working. I went into BIOS screen and reset it to default settings.
and here we are now..I'm using that computer right now to type this. Question is though; does that mean one of the ram sticks went out? or is the slot bad? I'm not too computer savvy.