Is there a lottery to dole out punishment to these fools?
They are largely savages, regardless of the area they live in. As long as they keep to themselves, there are few issues, since they self-vaccinate by being immersed. It's when they weaponize their savagery through travel that they become a problem.
As long as you fist yourself immediately after, with a reverse pine cone, you have nothing to worry about.
Do you mean, "So velly wong?"
Waiting at my front door for this glorious frog to ride down my street on horseback.
Armed, smiling, and with a raging patriotic hard on.
000000 credibility
Sank you.
Nope. Just his semen. No judgement.
That's the hardcore zombie plaguing Will Smith in I am Legend.
You seem a very nice bot. So yes, your ram sticks are lodged in your anus. No judgement. The remedy is for you to find a body of water- river, lake, ocean- wade in deeply until you're completely immersed, and take 6 deep breaths. Repeat until you feel euphoric.
Nobody gets to taste that fat fuck's food before he nom nom noms.