Curiously enough that only leaves Crazy Bernie, Quid Pro Joe, & wait for it…Tulsi who will be in a perfect position after Bernie's heart attack & Quid Pro Joe getting escorted off stage in his underwear…May we live in Interesting Times…Yeah I'm starting to think She's HRC's Trojan Horse & that's why she spent so much time on Tucker Carlson because they had to expose her to the Fox audience to actually get Trump's base to consider her.
Tusi's Medical background will rule the stage at the next Democrat Debate (after DNC does everything to be perceived as trying to keep her off the stage) on the Subject of the CoronaVirus Outbreak as she rips Bernie & Biden apart and she reinvigorates the Party into believing she is the best weapon against Trump during the Pandemic to tear apart Trump's base over his mishandling of the Crisis by allaying American's fears and denying that a Crisis ever really existed because the Virus was relatively benign. She will accuse him of worrying about the wealth of Wall street more than the Health of Main Street & it will be damn effective at drawing back Democrat Supporters & even some Trump supporters (after a number of them get sick at a Trump Rally he insisted on holding against the advice of the CDC, the MSM, & Tulsi herself (who would have said it on stage at the Democrat Debate weeks before and Trump will have actually mocked her for it at the series of rallies he hold that will be found to have spread the disease).
They'll be calling him Typhoid Trump by Mid August because the Pandemic never died out like Trump said it would (because the live virus was released on Trump supporters by ANTIFA operatives at the Rallies & Trump himself eventually get sick too - at least that is the Democrat's plan to strip Trump's base & win the election).