Anonymous ID: f462f2 March 5, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.8325520   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Theodore Dreiser is a great unread American novelist.Largely unread among TD's minor work is a short story, "A Doer or the Word."


“Did any of you ever know a contented man?” I inquired idly, merely for the sake of something to say.


There was silence for a moment, and one after another met my roving glance with a thoughtful, self-involved and retrospective eye.


Old Mr. Main was the first to answer.


“Yes, I did. One.”


“So did I,” put in the sailboat maker, as he stopped in his work to think about it.


“Yes, and I did,” said a dark, squat, sunny, little old fisherman, who sold cunners for bait in a little hut next door.


“Maybe you and me are thinking of the same one, Jacob,” said old Mr. Main, looking inquisitively at the boat-builder.


“I think we’ve all got the same man in mind, likely,” returned the builder.


“Who is he?” I asked.


“Charlie Potter,” said the builder.


“That’s the man!” exclaimed Mr. Main.


“Yes, I reckon Charlie Potter is contented, if anybody be,” said an old fisherman who had hitherto been silent.


Such unanimity of opinion struck me forcibly. Charlie Potter—what a humble name; not very remarkable, to say the least. And to hear him so spoken of in this restless, religious, quibbling community made it all the more interesting.


“So you really think he is contented, do you?” I asked.


“Yes, sir! Charlie Potter is a contented man,” replied Mr. Main, with convincing emphasis.


“Well,” I returned, “that’s rather interesting. What sort of a man is he?”


“Oh, he’s just an ordinary man, not much of anybody. Fishes and builds boats occasionally,” put in the boat-builder.


“Is that all? Nothing else?”


“He preaches now and then—not regularly,” said Mr. Main.


A-ha! I thought. A religionist!