Okay if your a Khazar and wish to cause chaos in a society what is one thing you could do? In America in the 60ś with the Cloward and Piven tactics of using the poor to destroy a society by making the problems of the poor vastly worse. Okay so what can giving black women welfare do to make blacks so much worse off? Because the Luciferians intentionally linked the Male could NOT live with the female and his children if she was going to get money. What does this do? It forces the males into a hit it and quit it mentality. The males are not around to raise the kids….why is this so evil?
Because the Khazar knows that males NEED men around to put them in their place and teach them manners and show them how to live and what to do and not to do. But they forced the older males out. Intentionally. So what do we know what that does now?
Males that do not have older male influence get into trouble more, become criminals and cause societal chaos.
(((they))) knew this. This story from 15 years ago can help make the point. In Africa there were some teenage male elephants on a reserve. They were killing the endangered Rhinos in the park also. There were NO adult male elephants around because there had been a civil war for the last 15 years and the soldiers had shot the big elephants for tusk and food and whatever. So the situation is not normal in Elephant community to have no older males around. On a hunch they brought in 5 big old males from another african reserve to see what would happen. The Rhino killings quickly stopped. Why?
The Young males were going into musk to early. Young males dont go into musk until they can take on a big male…no big males and the teenage males went into musk to early and started killing everything around. The big males put domination onto the teenage males and forced them into line.
Same thing happens in human society.
So what about the drug laws. They made cocaine laws that intentionally targeted Crack. Crack is exactly the same drug as powder. But they treated it different? Why? To intentionally get breeding age black men off the street and into prison. It is all a population reduction plan.
Then the abortion clinics are all put in the hood. So they drive out the older males…by welfare. Imprison the breeding males with prison and abort more than half black pregnacy.
Then they infiltrated the black churches and made many of their leaders evil people that are actually working to destroy the blacks for their own personal gain. Look at the leadership of the black community. There is almost none that are not in the pocket of the Jews.
So we have to remember as bad as things are for my fellow whites….the blacks are being smashed into the ground. They are being attacked on all fronts by the Jews. The music industry is intentionally making rap music that promotes only violence death and degrading women and eachother.
This video is about the elephants. https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B5W4lq_LmU
What is so cruel is all this is done by design…every last bit. All thought up at think tanks and at Universities. Being paid for with Our money.
We are paying for people to sit around and plot our destruction….