>https:// www.nationalreview.com/2018/03/russia-collusion-real-story-hillary-clinton-dnc-fbi-media/
The archive.is site refuses to archive this.
Never saw that before.
I wonder why.
Oh yeah, and stuff disappears from archive.org
Should save both places [.is and .org] and locally, if it's really important.
I'd say this article fits the "important category"
Can't trust it. - archive.org. They disappear a lot!
Just saying. Interesting archive.is has the article blocked; especially since the article is from what used to be considered a reputable magazine?
(All tags are changing now? - Most that were "reputable," sadly, never in fact were. )
It would be good if part of the "Internet Bill of Rights" requests, we could have reputable Internet archives? It's not as though if such weren't blocked it would be much of a problem?
Isn't Pegasus the name of James A.'s soap factory project?
Those "instagrams released by "Titus" seem total Propaganda.
They are as if to say:
"Look Ma, I'm not doing anything but charity - and was a victim of a gun nut fueled on by INTERNET crazies"
I never trusted the "Titus." Now look.
Still trying to cover up for the BS.
I guess they could get officials to say whatever they are needed to say. As they did for Flt 800 and for Sept 11th 2001.
You can not trust the official report.
Reality is: I don't have my records right now but at the time there was some very strange shit.
For example, the people allegedly in the house.. Something weird with the neighbor's house. Story was totally bogus. House may have even been empty.
As with typical Media lies, narratives did not add up.
You could not see much of the alleged plane crash except were told it came nose first into the ground - Like "Shanksville?' To the point people even suspected it was an explosion there and no plane crash!
It's was on a cul de sac, if I remember right.
How does an aircraft go nose into the ground , straight in? So So So fishy.
They said it was a nose-dive.
In Shanksville the officials finally said the plane disappeared into the ground, because there was so much sand.
[Some whistle-blower info on the "events" have come out lately which explain the Flt 93 was shot down - and that really foiled some much bigger plot ? Or so the story goes. Supposedly small pieces were found over a large area ]
I'm not going to go too much in detail into that, but just goes to show.
Whatever they tell you?
You can more or less figure, to start, it's a lie.
Like blaming the Buffalo crash on the pilot -since the whole thing did not make sense and they had to cover their ass
People believe anything.
I don't have my files on the one near Buffalo. So here's an image of Shanksville location [of alleged flt 93 crash , Sept 11, 2001] instead.
It's shows how much they get away with - just by telling people what they want them to think.
And there was no scattering of plane parts. How could one plane that size, destroy one small house - and that's it? Neighbors houses weren't touched!