dont forget this clown is still alive and spouting the same nonsense
When you look at the life of Christ, do you see a man that would condemn abortion clinics or shame women who choose to go this rout? The bible never explicitly mentions abortion; was Jesus really was caught up in this debate? Jesus would be more interested in loving the lost and hurting than in toxic political rhetoric. Jesus would understand and empathize with the woman overwhelmed with guilt and shame of an unwanted pregnancy. Jesus would see through the clutter and figure out a way to transcend these divisions. The message of Christ is not a culture that somehow is more disturbed by the use of profanity than our neighbor in need.
For religious reasons, Dr. Willie Parker didn’t want to provide abortions and instead referred patients to doctors who would conduct the procedure. But upon listening to a recording of Martin Luther King Jr.’s final sermon, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop,” he says “it hit me square in the gut.” In that sermon, King reflects on the parable of the Good Samaritan, in which a Samaritan helps a fallen traveler in the road after a priest and Levite bypassed the man. Parker realized he’d been afraid to help women in need simply out of fear for what other Christians would think of him. “For the Samaritan, the person in need was a fallen traveler. For me, it was a pregnant woman,” he writes about his belief that a true Christian must give women the help they need.
Will you follow the example of Jesus and Willie Parker, or will you follow the Pope on his descent to “Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here.”