Brian Roberts = Jew
I dunno I was over at 4 chan when the migration to 8 chan took place, that was over 2 years ago.
Most of the good stuff was said pretty much in the first 6 months. There really isn't all that much to say, and now that it's 2+ years since things Q said were going to happen haven't happened, people with a little bit less free time aren't showing up, or people with a little bit less tolerance of a whole bunch of wrong have left.
This is what we've got, it's not like P or R is kicking Q's ass and offers so much more.
And Trump has been doing nothing about this.
Ma Bell, 50 years ago, did not cut off phone service to people who didn't share their political ideology.
Somehow, Trump tolerates this. And we, because we want to see Hillary hanging from a rope (remember Lock Her Up) are supposed to pretend that America is Great now? Maybe "not as shitty as it would be if the Dems were in charge".