Anonymous ID: 152e81 March 5, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.8328240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8478 >>8644 >>8750 >>8805



On March 5th, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Moscow to discuss the situation in Idlib, Syria.


Prior to the meeting, the two leaders made the following statements:


Vladimir Putin:

“Good afternoon, Mr President.


Thank you for coming to Russia. As usual, we have things to discuss. The situation in the Idlib zone in Syria has deteriorated so much that we need to have a direct and personal discussion.


First of all, I would like to express our sincere condolences over the death of your military personnel in Syria. Loss of life is always a big tragedy.


Regrettably, as I have told you by telephone, nobody, including the Syrian military, was aware of your troops’ location. At the same time, there were casualties among Syrian servicemen as well. The Syrian army reported major losses.


Therefore, we need to discuss everything and analyse the current developments so that, first, this does not happen again and, second, that this does not damage Russian-Turkish relations, which I know that you value as well.


As you requested, we are ready to begin our talks one-on-one, and then our colleagues, who are with us in this room, will join us, if necessary.


Once again, welcome to Moscow.”

Anonymous ID: 152e81 March 5, 2020, 4:38 p.m. No.8328593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8609 >>8613 >>8623 >>8670

Feces found on every McDonald’s touchscreen tested


Traces of faeces have been found on every single McDonald’s touchscreen swabbed in an investigation by Samples were taken from the new machines that have been rolled out at restaurants across the country – every one of them had coliforms. Senior lecturer in microbiology at London Metropolitan University Dr Paul Matewele said: ‘We were all surprised how much gut and faecal bacteria there was on the touchscreen machines. These cause the kind of infections that people pick up in hospitals.


And in every burger

Anonymous ID: 152e81 March 5, 2020, 4:41 p.m. No.8328630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Repeal the Patriot Act


I have been writing for years about the dangers to human freedom that come from government mass surveillance. The United States was born in a defiant reaction to government surveillance. In the decade preceding the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the villains were the Stamp Act and the Writs of Assistance Act. Today, the villain is the Patriot Act.


Here is the backstory.


In 1765, when the British government was looking for creative ways to tax the colonists, Parliament enacted the Stamp Act. That law required all persons in the colonies to purchase stamps from a British government vendor and to affix them to all documents in one’s possession. These were not stamps as we use today, rather they bore the seal of the British government. The vendor would apply ink to the seal and for a fee – a tax – impress an image of the seal onto documents.


All documents in one’s possession – financial, legal, letters, books, newspapers, pamphlets, even posters destined to be nailed to trees – required the government stamps.


How did the British government, 3,000 miles away, know if one had its stamps on one’s documents? Answer: The Writs of Assistance Act. A writ of assistance was a general warrant issued by a secret court in London. A general warrant does not specifically describe the place to be searched or the person or thing to be seized. It merely authorized the bearer – a civilian or military government official – to search where he wished and seize whatever he found.


The use of writs of assistance ostensibly to search colonial homes for stamps produced an avalanche of opposition that often turned to violence against the stamp vendors. The sheer cost of invading private homes fueled fears that the true purpose of the tax was not to generate revenue – though the king always needed cash – rather, it was to remind the colonists that the king was sovereign and his agents and soldiers could enter colonial homes on a whim.


Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766, but it had caused lasting harm to the king. Harvard Professor Bernard Bailyn has estimated that by the late 1760s, one-third of the colonists favored secession from Great Britain, either peaceful or violent.


In 1789, six years after the American Revolution was won, the 13 colonies that had seceded combined into the United States of America under the Constitution. Two years later, the Bill of Rights was ratified, the Fourth Amendment of which was expressly written to prohibit general warrants – to assure that the new government would not and could not do to Americans what the British government had done to the colonists.


That assurance was manifested in the amendment’s requirements that only judges can issue search warrants, which must be based on probable cause of crime and which must specifically describe the place to be searched or the person or thing to be seized.

Anonymous ID: 152e81 March 5, 2020, 4:43 p.m. No.8328656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How The Coronavirus Is Being Used To Control You And Remove Your Rights


Joining me today is long-time investigative journalist and independent researcher Spiro Skouras, here to discuss his excellent work on the recent coronavirus, and the ongoing suppression and omission of some of the most important and relevant information surrounding this topic.

Anonymous ID: 152e81 March 5, 2020, 4:46 p.m. No.8328692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8719 >>8750 >>8805

Senator Hawley and 14 GOP Senators Introduce Resolution to Censure Chuck Schumer for Threatening SCOTUS Justices


Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced Wednesday night that he planned to file a censure motion against Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for threats he made against Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.


Democrat Schumer made the threats Wednesday at a pro-abortion rally in front of the Court as inside the justices heard arguments on a Louisiana abortion law case, June Medical Services LLC v. Russo.


On Thursday Senator Hawley and 14 GOP Senators introduced a resolution to censure Chuck Schumer.


The following GOP Senators signed on to the resolution.


Josh Hawley

Steve Daines

Mike Braun

Rick Scott

Thom Tillis

Kelly Loeffler

Kevin Cramer

Ben Sasse

Joni Ernst

Mike Lee

Ted Cruz

David Perdue

Tim Scott

Jim Inhofe

Martha McSally


The resolution reads: Whereas Senator Schumer has acknowledged that threatening statements can increase the dangers of violence against government officials when he stated on June 15, 2017, following the attempted murder of several elected Members of Congress, ‘‘We would all be wise to reflect on the importance of civility in our [N]ation’s politics’’ and that ‘‘the level of nastiness, vitriol, and hate that has seeped into our politics must be excised’’:


Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate censures and condemns in the strongest possible terms the Senator from New York, Mr. Schumer, for his threatening statements against Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch and Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh; and calls on all members of the Senate to re8 spect the independence of the Federal judiciary.

Anonymous ID: 152e81 March 5, 2020, 4:48 p.m. No.8328708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tennessee Man Ordered Removed to Germany Based on Service as Concentration Camp Guard During WWII