Anonymous ID: a7e93f March 5, 2020, 4:45 p.m. No.8328677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8737


dear anon,

over the last few months…

Donald Trump has trolled the 'radical left' for their fairy tale hoaxes and conspiracy theories… remember when we were trolling hunter? Where's hunter? that hunter becoming the hunted…

then they make up a 'whistleblower' but he cant give testimony when they need him the most?

(Q went dark during that time) that was DJT's way of saying "Q posts when I say to post"

what about THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK… that he says way too much. that's pretty LOUD AND CLEAR, anon..

17 errors on muh IG REPORT, and so on and so on.


To me, it is obvious they have been trying every way possible to get our attention, the proofs are too many…

and he hasn't had to mention or 'validate' Q once. can't you see It's driving the media literally crazy?


"it's going to come together, and it's going to be sooner than you think."


Anonymous ID: a7e93f March 5, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.8328778   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if you had a magic wand would you tell the world how it works?


ya know… I think it'd be dope if Q posted until 2024 but then disappears… and we never find out who it was or how it habbened… until Ivanka comes into office and needs our services again. then poof… gets a random 'hello patriots, shall we play a game?'


It'd be like the ultimate batman ending…

just talkin' shit… tryin' not to let my memes be dreams…

>Enjoy the show!