Anonymous ID: faf190 March 5, 2020, 4:12 p.m. No.8328275   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8282



Imagine being a shill

Sitting in momma's basement

On the sofa

With nothing better to do

Than call people names on a website

Where folks specifically IGNORE those who call them names

Or who are trying to DIVIDE.

What a loser…

Anonymous ID: faf190 March 5, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.8328375   🗄️.is đź”—kun



You no doubt noticed

That the last three lines

All ended in BLED

Only slightly obscured

And the last scene had 3

Prominently displayed as 3 dots.



Shortly after

POTUS says BLED 3 times


This is because, he gives us proofs

To identify the messengers

Who are on his team

Anonymous ID: faf190 March 5, 2020, 4:32 p.m. No.8328516   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8681 >>8722 >>8757



That drop has an INCORRECT title

And this is important enough that you need to know


IBOR = Inter-Bank Offered Rate

This is part of a mechanism by which the banks in a country

Set the price of something, like the base rate of interest

Or the price of Gold

The London IBOR was a process to set the London gold price

And it was totally corrupt

That has since been replaced rather publicly

But IBOR processes in other countries were similarly corrupt

And have also been replaced.



IBOR reform: IASB discusses remaining phase two issues


Which brings me to this, which popped up a couple of days ago. Remember the photo of Mnuchin and wife with newly printed banknotes 3 years ago?


I have inside info. The USA has billions of printed treasury notes in vaults located in every state.

There are Treasury banks already situated and ready to open up for business as soon as a state of emergency is called.

The design and distribution of the Treasury dollars has been a top secret underground project ever since Trump took office.

Trump was hoping to make it to the second term before implementing this plan, but it seems ((they)) are forcing his hand with this coronavirus economic black swan.

((they)) don't know yet that we are ready to completely do away with their monopoly currency and central bank and go back to a constitutional Treasury based money system.

((they)) think that this black swan event will freeze up the US economy and their plan is to twist the knife by flooding so much USD into the system that not even a wheelbarrow of $100 bills can buy a ramen packet.

Here is the series of events that will take place instead.

>>coronachan devistates world economy

>>all countries bend knee economically to their ((central banks)) for liquidity

>>USD begins to inflate dramatically

>>doesn't stop stock market from tanking

>>emergency meeting called by Trump

>>audit of US gold supply from several sources takes place.

>>audit comes back with surprising result… The us has 10x more gold than was previously on the books.

((it seems that Trump has raided the gold supply of the elite in return for immunity deals))

>>announces that Treasury dollars are now available and backed by gold and silver at a rate of $100,000 treasury dollars per oz of gold.

>>any US CITIZEN can exchange the money in their bank accounts for a new US treasury account (exchange rate of USD to new UST to be determined somewhere between 1/1 and 1/10 probably)

>>all of ((their)) banks fail as CITIZENS begin mass exodus of USD and open a Treasury bank account.


Trumps master plan begins to take shape. Trump has taken a simple stone (gold) and crushed ((them)) with it. Trump has finished the work of Jackson and routed the vipers completely out.


This sets USA up for literal golden era while all other central bank countries begin to collapse around us.


Manufacturing comes back and new life is breathed into the USA. All other countries want to do business with us as they collapse.


screen this.


Anonymous ID: faf190 March 5, 2020, 4:37 p.m. No.8328584   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8690



Look at the films Mnuchin has been funding…


2014 Executive producer

The Lego MovieWinter's TaleEdge of TomorrowJersey BoysThis Is Where I Leave YouAnnabelleInherent ViceAmerican SniperBlended

2015 Executive producer

Run All NightGet HardMad Max: Fury RoadEntourageVacationThe Man from U.N.C.L.E.Black MassThe InternPanOur Brand Is CrisisIn the Heart of the SeaFocus

2016 Executive producer

How to Be SingleMidnight SpecialBatman v Superman: Dawn of JusticeKeanuThe Conjuring 2Central IntelligenceThe Legend of TarzanLights OutSuicide SquadSullyStorksThe AccountantCollateral Beauty

Producer Rules Don't Apply

2017 Executive producer

The Lego Batman MovieFist FightCHiPsGoing in StyleUnforgettableKing Arthur: Legend of the SwordWonder WomanThe HouseAnnabelle: CreationThe Lego Ninjago MovieThe Disaster Artist

Anonymous ID: faf190 March 5, 2020, 4:42 p.m. No.8328646   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8764



The Only Way Out Is In, So Look Deep Within


We constantly seek a

deeper experience of

life, one way or the

other. Whatever one may seek

– God, alcohol, drugs, meditation or any thing that one feels

will provide relief, give pleasure or fulfilment – you are only seeking to have a larger slice

of life.

The intention is always the

same, somehow to have a deeper experience, to extract a little

more out of life, to find access to

that which is not yet for you.

The question is not of the intention as the intention is

always the same; it is

only of whether it

works or not.

Everything you’ve

done in your life so far

has been in pursuit of

joy – career, business, making money or starting a family. From when you

were a child till

now, is your joy increasing or decreasing?

Now that you have grown

up, you have your own life,

your own family, your own

bank account, everything of

your own – has your joy multiplied? In the last 24 hours, how

many moments of joy have


When you came into this

world, you came with no investment. So whatever happens in your life, anyway you

are in profit. But the reason

people are in various levels of

distress is because there is no

life-sense, only ego-sense.

If you are miserable, it is because life is not happening the

way you think it should happen. If everything happened

the way you think it should, the

whole existence would happen

within the limitation of your

limited thought.

Is it not wonderful that so

many things that you could

never imagine are happening?

What you enjoyed, your parents were distressed about.

What you are distressed about,

your children are enjoying.

The nature and basis of your

experience is within you. Pain

and pleasure, joy and misery,

agony and ecstasy happen only

within you. The very seat of

your experience is within you.

So why try to extract joy from

outside? At best, the outside

can provide a stimulus.

If you depend on the outside

to bring joy to you, understand

that the outside never happens

a hundred per cent the way you

want it. Those who think that

there is something

like an ideal situation

are not in touch with


No situation or person will ever happen a

hundred per cent the

way you want it. But

at least you should

happen the way you

want yourself to be.

Then there would be

no need for you to be

in pursuit of your happiness.

So the question is not of intention or direction, but of doing

that which works.

If you did happen the way

you want yourself to be, joy

would be the natural choice.

What we refer to as inner engineering means not seeing joy

as something that we could

achieve in our life but seeing

joy as the very basis of our


Joy is not the goal; it is the

square one of our life. Other

things can happen only if there

is joy. Otherwise, you will live

constantly with the fear of misery striking at you.

What great things you

achieve in your life will depend

on your capabilities, the situation, and the prevailing times.

Regardless of what you do or

don’t, my wish and blessing is

that your experience of life is

pleasant and graceful.

Anonymous ID: faf190 March 5, 2020, 4:44 p.m. No.8328659   🗄️.is đź”—kun


"The Only Way Out Is In" as I am using it refers to the necessity to stop running here, there, and everywhere to find truth. The constant running, whether it be to find something, or to run away from something, keeps us disconnected from the true source of wisdom, which resides in the inner temple of our heart.


In the hero's journey, the tendency of one Knight to run after what anyone else does takes him off course and diverts him from the path that God has chosen for him. God does not speak to him through the other Knights - for God has the ability to speak to each within their own mind IF they become still, take time to pray and meditate, and clear their minds of all the worldly confusion and chatter. This would be what the Buddhists refer to as Monkey Mind…always wanting to run here and there and keep itself stimulated with information and then more information. The quest for Information can be a trap.


The essence of the Creator speaks to all of us IF we but listen. And we cannot find Creator through our intellect. We can only go to a certain point with the mind. Then we must dive into the unknown - we must take what we have learned to that point and use our faculties of discretion to recognize "what" inner voice we are listening to - and once we find the voice that blesses all of life, that holds no exclusive position as "the only way" or "the only one" at the expense of other people and the way God shows Himself to them - the voice that blesses and nourishes ALL life, that does not see any better than any other - but all with great potential and distinct purpose as each was intended - THEN we can be still and listen. Then as we open the door to the heart mind, we are able to hear the still, small voice within that has waited for us. This is the portion of us that is connected to Creator's intention. This is how we can commune with our God.


Based on their religious beliefs, everyone has a different view of how Creator sees us. Some see us as mere servants to God. Others see us as cells in the body of Christ. Others see us as children of the Creator - our Father in Heaven. This is not what we should be arguing about. Human beings need to come to hear the unifying voice within whose intention for Its creation is that we KNOW Him - and we cannot know Him through our minds. The mind is limited. It is only able to go so far.


So….when we become still and stop our running, stop trying too hard, and relax into the communion of prayer and still our mind chatter, we can go to an inner wellspring of light where we are able to commune with the Holy One. That is the purpose of the saying, "The only way out is in." Meaning…the only way out of longing, the only way out of fear, the only way out of being boxed in or feeling alienated or left out, the only way out of what separates us is to go inside….to the inner dwelling of the Holy of Holies. The Heart. We meet the Divine Feminine through the quiet, and we are embraced in the arms of the Holy Family.


And each of us must find that way for ourselves.

Anonymous ID: faf190 March 5, 2020, 4:46 p.m. No.8328685   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The Only Way Out Is In.


Each day, try & find a moment to yourself, away from the world, and pray to God in earnest.

Christ urged this upon his own disciples more than two thousand years ago, so in the footsteps of the Master, I urge this upon you as well.

Put on the Full Armor of God.

Every Day.