Anonymous ID: 23d0be March 5, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.8329782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9914

Okay. Anon watched the entire FOX News Town Hall with President Trump. It was brilliant. Yes, Martha MacCallum & Brett Baier are obnoxious anti-Trumpers (they try to hide it, they think they are hiding it. They aren't).


It was GREAT! The people in the audience loves President Trump, much to the dismay of Martha & Brett. One example: There was a man in the audience whose question was picked by the FOX pair. He was a life-long democrat but voted for President Trump in 2016.


He didn't smile, he asked a question about regulations and de-regulating. President Trump answered his question and the audience clapped. Martha shouted, (she had to because the audience was clapping) over the crowd, got them stopped and asked a zinger.


She ask the guy if there was anything the democrat candidates could do to get back his vote. The guy STUNNED Martha & Brett. The guy said he's happy how President Trump is handing the economy, he really likes cutting regulations. Pres. Trump said thank you to the guy.


Martha kept on. She said: 'so there's nothing a dem candidate could do to get your vote back. The guy said NO and the crowd roared. After 15 seconds or so, Pres. Trump said to the guy: I don't think you gave the answer that (pointing his finger) they expected. It was a loaded question.


Martha squirmed saying no, no, no. no. I just want to blah, blah, blah. To the people in the room, and to anybody watching on TV, it was very clear that the FOX crew was trying to bait and trip up President Trump and he didn't fall for any of it. President Trump knocked it out of the park.,