Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:10 p.m. No.8329658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9676 >>9705


Was reviewing some of my recent posts and realized POTUS gave me a ZERO DELTA!

Had 91 posts in a row with graphics and reasoning and complex interlectual shit and POTUS zero deltas six minutes of cleavage!

Good call POTUS, and she's pretty good with music too!

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.8329676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9684 >>9705


Do you believe in coincidences? This time POTUS gave me the zero delta on the naked chick!


What did Q say? Truth will shock the WORLD.


All of these graphics fit together. Work it out.

Notice how Q844 appears in the COVFEFE! graphic? Four booms dated… Mar 5!

MOST of this should make sense on some level, but a few points will hinge on other connections.

You DO have to check the video for the third graphic. This time, I'll give the link (are you ready to see PAIN?):

DO the connections check out? Yes or no?

As to why exactly Q1980 is in the COVFEFE! graphic, you'll need some additional connections to see that.

But it does contain one of the most significant "unorthodox" readings of a Q drop that I've got:

Error made? WIN.

THEY want you to be a permanent loser, so you can join with other losers, and make others into losers too.

POTUS is a winner, and he wants you to WIN, and help others win.

It really is that simple.


The "point" of the third graphic will make more sense shortly, but…


Think about it. THEY have prepared for it, and plan to put POTUS on the hook for EVERY "crazy" thing in early Q drops.

And Q made clear that they CAN'T just start arresting the opposition before the truth comes out.

The Fake News Media must receive a death blow first.

Prepare your fist.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:14 p.m. No.8329684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9694 >>9705 >>9731 >>0029 >>0316 >>0330


To understand the death blow, it helps to understand that Q is Michael Anton, and that this has been well-established for over a year. I have not heavily promoted this, and hardly at all since the return of the board. I realize now that this was part of the plan to prepare the death blow, but I'll get to that.


The first graphic displays a "confirmation" on this from EXACTLY one year back. The pink post is mine, and then 8 minutes later Q responds with the 8chan post mentioning humor.


In the pink post, I am referencing the blue post above (not mine). Note the 17 in the ID there.


Read the first sentence in the blue post carefully: it says Anton left the private sector to serve on the National Security Council. But by that time he had supposedly returned to the private sector… (April 2018). Odd wording, no?


But the real kicker is the final line: He is one of the more famous posters on this board.


In the days prior, I had been pushing the idea that Anton was Q, and had written up the nine-part analysis in the links, but I doubt I had convinced many. (But if I did convince you then, NOW IS THE TIME!) The line is liable to make sense to almost no one unless you grasp that the joke is that Anton is Q… obviously one of the more famous posters on the board! But at that point very few believed that. The upshot is that I realized this was an inside joke I was meant to catch, and I did, and Q confirmed.


I did the writeup in the links before I started making graphics, so I will be redoing some of it in graphics below. But… the obvious question is, if this was so well-established back then, why has the topic remained so under-the-radar for most? (I think there are a few who get it and this has probably buttressed their work…) The answer is that it sets up the TRAP for the Fake News Media. Most Anons shy away from digging too deeply on issues that might seem to involve "doxxing" Q. But the Fake News Media proclaims POTUS and Q to be enemies, and should have been expected to EXPOSE any "hidden" communications op by the White House. And yet the very identity of Q has been ESTABLISHED for over a year. (And I suppose some of them "knew" before I did…) If they have not reported this, can we not conclude that the Fake News is controlled by utter perfidy, or utter incompetence, or both? WE knew that already, yes. But what will happen when those who "trust" the Fake News come to grips with the lie? The genius of this trap is that POTUS haters DON'T need to be convinced (at first) of ANY "crazy" things that Anons might believe for good reason… they only need to realize that the Fake News Media has systematically lied about Q. And this opens the floodgates…


Recap: the evidence establishing Anton as Q reveals that those who control the Fake News Media are either ABSOLUTE LIARS or UTTERLY INCOMPETENT, and without the need to "prove" anything that seems "crazy".

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:16 p.m. No.8329694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9705 >>9706


When I realized what I had figured out back then, and that the WH directly replied to my posts, I realized I had no choice but to devote myself to this full-time. I figured it was about to blow open, and then at least I'd be able to write a book that would sell, and I could somehow parlay this into a way to get paid to do my own research. At the time I thought it a startling stroke of luck that I had stumbled upon this endeavor, for which I seemed to have exactly the right strange combination of skills.


By May, the coincidences had piled higher and higher, and I could not avoid the question of whether I had somehow prepared for this operation my entire life. I did not understand how it was possible, but that seemed to be EXACTLY the situation. And the things in my background that seemed to matter formed a very eclectic mix, and they were generally aspects of my experience that had resulted from crucial turning points in my life, point at which I had made a conscious decision to proceed with boldness and try to WIN. (And some of those decisions had been made in very dark moments, and not the least of them came in late 2018…) Once I directly faced this question, I was within days hit with a series of startling coincidences in my "real life". I did not understand how any of it was "possible", but it made extraordinary sense on an intuitive level, and I accepted that I had somehow indeed been preparing my entire life for EXACTLY THIS.


But my understanding of what THIS is continued to develop. During the shutdown, I was working on the huge graphic linked here:

The graphic was well over half done when I had the thought: "Oh shit, they're gonna FUCK me again and POTUS is NOT even going to put out the tweet." (I have decoded tons of "disinfo"… but that is partly why I know many comms…) And then I thought: well if POTUS isn't calling the Storm, maybe I am supposed to do it? I had NO IDEA how this whole operation was supposed to hinge on me, but then I started thinking… well, if it actually does, then I BETTER NOT FUCK IT UP!

And you can see how the graphic turned out.


The upshot is that that graphic was first posted on Nov 30, and I have gone through multiple efforts to direct the attention of Anons to what I have been doing, while aiming to avoid trying to pound on the head those who aren't ready. I have been also been developing new material over this time, and the pieces build on each other. My last attempt to gain traction, two nights ago, got me what I take as a comm meaning: time to pound em on the head. And Q said in a drop that you're ready, so…

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.8329706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9713


There is no need to passively accept anything that I say. It may turn out that some who think I must be absolutely deluded will learn best. In any case, following this post will be 91 additional posts that were originally posted on Feb 17. The bulk were explicitly designed to guide Anons who wish to find more hidden connections. There are several distinct phases to the series, and the final phase decodes a "SRIKE" that you may turn out to like. If you think the final set of posts through, you might well conclude that there is NOTHING they can do to stop it. Every move on their part will tighten the noose.


That said, there are two additional post chains that are still available and worth attention.

This is the most important one, and the first three posts there explain further:

>>8207826 (pb)

The "broken" link in the guide there should be replaced by this current chain of posts.


But there are also multiple "hidden" Q comms in that bread, it seems, and that is addressed here:

>>8313510 (pb)

And that post links back to two prior post chains on the same topic.

Everything in those posts is true, with the one exception that I discovered the hidden comms in the given bread because I always look for them when I post a big set. I realized there was something fishy about the White Squall interchange in that bread before realizing that the video of the Las Vegas rally "pointed" to it (contrary to what I said in the posts). I was trying to see if taking on a different persona would work in getting anons to pay attention, especially if some might have been habituated to ignore complex graphics (by me, or others).


Do you believe in coincidences? I had the first three graphics lined up to post with this text. First is from December and relates to STRIKE decodes at end. Middle two are new since Feb 17. Figured I should do a run through the notables before posting... nice work anon!


The STORM has arrived... if you want it.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:20 p.m. No.8329719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9732


And now, my Epic Renegade! what are ye at?

With all the Lakers, in and out of place?

A nest of tuneful persons, to my eye

Like "four and twenty Blackbirds in a pye;

"Which pye being open'd they began to sing"

(This old song and new simile holds good),

"A dainty dish to set before the King,"

Or Regent, who admires such kind of food;

And Coleridge, too, has lately taken wing,

But like a hawk encumber'd with his hood,

Explaining Metaphysics to the nation—

I wish he would explain his Explanation.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.8329732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9742


> I wish he would explain his Explanation.


Sometimes you need a little humor.

Let's start with the meme here.

Recognize it? Anons liked it so much it got notabled.


When posted, Anons were digging into posts from Scavino's Facebook page (and connected Q3747).

From bread before meme:

>>7916495 (pb)


But is there more than meets the eye?

SOMEONE made this meme using the image that Scavino posted, right?


So what are likely filenames?

If lazy, you can save with original name:


Check source if you must:

Not that.


Online meme editors typically give random filenames. Not that.


How might you get filename IMG_3460.JPG? Probably by batch renaming thousands of files at once, right? But this was a meme just made….


So does it follow that the meme creator INTENTIONALLY named the file in a way that made it look like an auto-named file, when it is nothing of the sort?


Why not think this out CAREFULLY before checking Q3460?

(And if some obvious or non-obvious explanation was missed here, does that undermine what follows…)


The rabbit hole goes deep…

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:24 p.m. No.8329742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9753 >>9993 >>0028


So…. if the captcha meme has a carefully chosen filename, but disguises it, maybe the meaning is meant to be apparent only with additional digging.

ID 744567 has precisely two posts in the bread, and each is an image (almost - hold the almost). The other image has a similar filename: IMG_1643.GIF. If this image appeared by itself, would it be hasty to conclude the filename had meaning? But it appears in conjunction with IMG_3640.JPG, which presumably DOES have meaning. So is it a good conclusion that both have meaning?


Is the obvious first step to compare the filename numbers with Q posts? Do the resulting Q posts align with the Scavino Facebook posts prior to the meme? Does Q3460 also suggest Q3173? Do Q3173 and Q3174 "fit" with both the Scavino posts and the two Q posts linked to ID 744567? Can these questions be answered irrespective of stylistic decisions in the graphics of THIS post?


Having read this text, is the graphic understandable? Serious question. Are "liberties" taken? Are things omitted? Might there be reasons? Good reasons? "To err is human" - no doubt. Why were the filenames chosen? Why EXACTLY was each filename chosen?


But again put aside stylistic issues… is it reasonable to conclude that the two ID 744567 posts in the given bread are comms meant to be interpreted in light of both the Scavino posts and the Q posts? If you are not convinced it is so, why not post an objection to the reasoning?


Again, why not post an objection to the reasoning? But expand your thinking: why do shills/FNM/etc never post concrete objections to actual (claimed) "Q proofs"? For instance: has anyone who DISPLAYS understanding of the "Scott Free" Q proof EVER attempted to DEMONSTRATE that it does not "count" as evidence for the Q op coming from the WH? Why not?


If you cannot demonstrably UNDERSTAND a piece of reasoning, can you refute it?

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.8329753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761 >>9763 >>9766


Let's keep going.

Look now at the graphic in the prior post. Or just look at the selection right here.


The connection between the "Anon" meme post filename and Q 3460 really has the key role, right? It is the "bridge" between the Scavino posts and the Q posts? And the Q post it links to says [Be Ready]?


Now… think back… didn't Q once "return" with a "be ready" post?


Yes. Q3350 was Q's return after a month-long absence. It simplys says: Be ready.


Do you remember this sort of thing? When Q "disappears" how were you left hanging? When Q reappears what did you experience? What were you thinking in your "Q life"? In your "real life"? Are they different? Is this a game?


Q3350: Be ready.

And then Q was around until the 93 days of darkness, right.

And then Q returned, and "left us" with "the silent war" but returned with: THE GREAT AWAKENING.


(And the POTUS/Scavino captcha meme is from days later, right?)


Think for yourself. Is anything stated or suggested clearly WRONG? Why? Explain.


Think for yourself, step by step. Where am I going with this? "You'll see!"

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:28 p.m. No.8329763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9773


Let's keep going…


Anons connected POTUS/Scavino meme from above to Q3747, right?

Filename of the meme matters?

What about the filename in the Q post?


Actually, take a look at four successive Q posts… 3744-3747.

Three of four post memes.


Q sometimes posts memes, but three of four is pretty rare, right?

Look at the filenames… they SEEM to be Twitter filenames right?

(Q often posts apparent twitter images… likely an underexplored topic…)

And maybe they are… but how do they they start? With EM.

EM, as in EM dash.

The EM dash (standardly twice the width of the EN dash) is the long character in: NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

From Q1415.


What was that Scavino captcha meme about? Trying to distinguish one character from another? Coincidence?

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.8329773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9781


Let's break for some fun… no joke.


Many posts coming in this chain… crazy comms… etc…. but anons must exercise their skills, no?


Lion Ted post is from Q3746, above. (One post of four NOT an EM meme…)


Graphics form a puzzle. Answer is a Q post. Which one?


Answer is OBVIOUS once you see it.


3 clues:

Oldfags know one.

Other two were common knowledge at DIFFERENT points of history.


Can you "solve" this even if you DON'T already "know" the clues?

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.8329781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9795


Are we having fun yet?


Remember how 3 of 4 Q "meme" posts had EM… filenames?


Q sort of posts another a few posts later…. Q3752.


The filename is… another EM… filename.


But what's the difference? The prior three EM meme posts were just… memes! But this looks like it is a cap of an 8kun post, right? Why does Q's cap of a "recent" 8kun post seem to have a twitter filename? Does Q not even lurk the board, just grabbing images from twitter? Does that look like your QR post caps?


What is going on?

(Stand back? Shill heads exploding soon?)

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.8329795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9809


But wait, there's moar!


Look at Q3820. Q is reposting the meme from Q3744, right?


Why does Q change the filename?


OK, Anons know that Q often INTENTIONALLY changes filenames (flag pics).


But why is Q changing THIS filename?


The filename in Q3820 SEEMS to be the 8kun "computed" filename, right? (Seemingly computed from the file itself, discounting "original" filename, right? THINK for yourself….)


So… when Q ALREADY posted this same meme, with a DIFFERENT (and apparently meaningful…. EM… filename…)… why did Q repost this image with the 8kun "computed" (and "meaningless"?) filename? Did Q simply "forget" that this image had been posted… caught the image from the board and reposted? Or does Q know perfecttly well what images have been posted, and under what names? So if Q is "accidentally" posting an image with the computed 8kun filename… it is not accident?


Is the point to draw your attention to comms that are being missed?


But what is the specific comm here? The original filename started not just with EM, but EMMy… aha, EMMY awards, red carpet rollout?


Think this one out on its own… Anons who follow daily will recognize the meme as a repost from not too long ago. Q has changed the filename in a way that on the surface simply reflects sloppiness. But… the new "meaningless" filename then serves to "mark" the original.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.8329809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9820


Here's another recent Q meme post, Q3824.

Anons caught that filename might be a comm, and started digging (more in following bread too).

But ID:5e0fa8 gave a tipoff that there might be more, and there is.


Expand your thinking! 404 is the error code for Page Not Found. But it can be used as a comm for ANYTHING not found, right?

Google Image Search yields no results for the given image.

TinEye yields many results, obviously using a different algorithm. But are any exactly the same? Not that I could see.


Look at the image that does come up first. Like Q's image, it seems to have a meme centered, but the whole image appears to be a screenshot from a phone. But in this case, the meme has a logo.


Maybe Q didn't want to post the meme with the logo. Well, the Q graphics crew must brush up on their SKILLZ, since they didn't get rid of the whole logo! Or… was that intentional?


New issue: Q posted what looks like a screenshot from a phone, right? Maybe Q is "on the move" with POTUS, tossing off posts in spare moments? Why then was this image created almost two weeks prior? That is, the image of the "phone screenshot" was created almost two weeks prior.


Check for yourself (link from anon in graphic):


And again, why would a phone screenshot have the given filename? Maybe if the meme was one of many that Q team has scooped up, we might think they'd get autorenamed just to keep things in order. But a screenshot?


So many oddities…


What's the point? ID:ad3138 (in graphic) seems to have it right… the NEXT post after 5/17/18 is Q1415: NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!


And… most likely… NONE of these "oddities" are accidents… perhaps they are mean't to draw your attention to comms being missed?

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.8329820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9830 >>9831


One more on the Scavino/POTUS posts…


Look how 2a71b3 collected some good stuff together and asked questions.


Excellent post, as f7406e notes. But no other replies. Anons missing good stuff.


But 2a71b3 does reply back. A curious reply. Why is there a comma after "know"? Totally inappropriate if the main verb is "know there is a reason".


But what if the second sentence really has two parallel assertions? (Grammar Nazis say to use a semicolon, but I often use a comma there myself.)

So the reply REALLY says: "I do know. There is a reason for him doing what he is doing."


Look at the numbers in the ID… 2713. Q2713 has odd wording too. Ignore the original context (or go check it). Each 'quoted' word takes on new meaning here? 'Public' = Q posts a signed post? 'Target' = Anon Q replies to? "Know" = know it is Q?


THINK it out. SOMEONE posted a good bunch of stuff. Anons were sort of on topic re Scavino posts, but not thinking it through thoroughly enough. ONE anon is obviously reflecting and getting more aware, and this anon gets a helpful push.


Upshot: 2a71b3 is likely Q (or Q team, no one is up 24/7, I think).


But suppose this is "wrong"? These are some interdasting coincidences, no?


For now, you might skip the Feb 14 connection if you haven't already been convinced on this… (or even seen it)… MUCH more to come…

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.8329830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9842


Let's THINK. Are we supposed to identify Q?


Well, Q has posted two recent posts pointing to Q's identity.

Q3747 insinuates that Dan Scavino is Q, right?

Q3871 insinuates that Mike Rogers is Q, right?

No wiffle-waffles! Each post by itself insinuates exactly that, right?


First: if Q is tossing out OBVIOUS pointers to Q's identity, maybe we ARE supposed to THINK about this?

Second: Scavino and Rogers can't BOTH be Q right?

OK, but maybe there are both part of the whole operation? But we already knew that, right? (And we know Scavino puts out comms… for sure…)


Let's really think… no "proofs" on this. Too many cooks spoil the broth, right? Does it stand to reason that someone must be in charge of "Q" ITSELF, as opposed to: overall POTUS communications (which MUST address many who have never heard of Q or think it is insane… Hi, Dr Gorka!), or investigating the evildoers, or seizing the evildoers? How many "crazy" anons must be "taught" to work together? Memefags, planefags, clockfags, bakers, diggers, bewbfags, and so much more! A hefty job, right, but it has to be done?


We each have our role, but someone has to "be Q", no? Just like someone has to be POTUS? And that person (POTUS) is DJT? (Thank God!)


Does it follow?

SomeONE is Q.

It will be revealed.

We ARE supposed to discover it.


Also (maybe doesn't follow yet):


Double meanings exist. Truth will shock the WORLD.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:41 p.m. No.8329842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9845 >>9857 >>9862 >>9967 >>0307


Let's pause…

Long chain of posts in progress.

Thanks to all anons who make this work.

SO MANY have contribued to what follows…

To those whose posts or memes get included, obvious thanks.

But SO many others, too!

What follows would LITERALLY be impossible without the work of many of you, working many diferent tasks.

Perhaps the most crucial task of all: making this board the place to be!

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:44 p.m. No.8329862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9871 >>9876 >>9886


Let's think this out. Most Anons think they shouldn't be too active in trying to "dox" Q, even though Q puts out teasers on this.


But put yourself in the shoes of another. Suppose that you believe POTUS is evil/crazy/unfit to be President, whatever. Suppose you trust the MSM to mostly seek the truth. Suppose that POTUS is actually communicating surreptitiously with followers online. If the media knew about this, wouldn't you expect them to EXPOSE it? If those who run the "news" knew EXACTLY who is running this "secret" operation, wouldn't you expect them to tell the world?


And if it turns out that the identity of this person has been an open secret for a long time, what would that tell you? That those who run the "news" are either stunningly incompetent or NOT acting in your interest?


That would become clear EVEN if you STILL believed the "hidden" communications operation was crazy/evil/whatever, right? Your trust in the media would collapse, and you would start to wonder what else they lie about?


Well, we don't need to speculate, because we are about to find out! The Fake News Media has walked into a trap, and it is about to SNAP SHUT!


Q is Michael Anton, and it's not simply another four-year election, it's THE FLIGHT 93 ELECTION!

And today is the day we TAKE CONTROL OF THE PLANE.


POTUS gave the go ahead to identify Q in the tweet posted, and I caught it exactly one year ago TODAY. But the Fake News Media reported… NOTHING, even though those at the top likely knew Q's identity long before I did.


This will be a LONG series of posts, and the vast bulk is entirely new, including the STORM decode at the end. But I'll start by rehashing a bunch of stuff I posted last year.


NOTE ADDED: actually repost from Feb 17

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:46 p.m. No.8329876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9892 >>9916 >>0060


The next few posts I'll give in narrative form, because it will eventually become apparent that while the basic Anton stuff is extremely rational, many other graphics will seem to involve things that many very intelligent anons will initially dismiss as impossible. It might help if you grasp my trajectory. In any case, you can just ignore the "crazy" stuff, just like you ignore all sorts of other crazy stuff in early Q posts…


I caught Q early (had followed the email leaks, Pizzagate, etc) but did not stick with it, and only slowly drifted back. Ironically, I trusted… The Flight 93 Election! I didn't see the need for all the "anon" stuff since I figured we would soon be in charge. When I "returned" I followed on reddit, and when /r/greatawakening got banned it was my top place to go on the internet. But shortly before that I was hit by the stunning realization that Q was almost surely Michael Anton. Q1862. Maybe just a coincidence but once I saw it, it was overwhelming. He has EXACTLY the combination of skills and experiences that would be required. I posted once on this, then deleted, probably since I got prompted to do so by Q team. I thought I was on to some big secret, and that is likely what they wanted to encourage.


The "evidence" that I accumulated was so overwhelming that I realized it was ridiculous to seek more, especially as it seemed we were not supposed to dox Q. But when Q2347 was posted, I came to suspect that "the picture" was the picture in the NYT article. First, the two red carpet rollout posts seem to align with the state dinner for France. Second, the whole story seemed odd. Anton was someone who had only received negative coverage in the MSM, but now gets a puff piece. Third, the picture itself seemed to involve Q clues: the baker/kitchen theme, the reflection, and the crumbs in front.


I figured that "something" would happen that would involve using that picture, and it did, but I'll jump ahead since I don't want to repost. I didn't see it until after the POTUS "Flight 93" tweet, but the picture is supposed to be a meme (Q=cue) The picture will 'force' the Q. By itself, 'force' suggests Flight 93, but then the very nature of the picture 'forces' a specific meme. Once you think of Let's Roll! as the text, it is obvious. (I didn't see this interpretation of Q2347 until AFTER I had the meme… VERY common thing… intuition comes first…)

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:48 p.m. No.8329892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9912


Next look at Q2599. First compare the picture with the Anton NYT pic. "Frog" can mean "French". Coincidence?

POTUS praised Anton the day before the picture drop. The surface meaning of the Pepe reference is a different POTUS twat with an actual Pepe, but this works right?

Why would POTUS be calling Anton a "true national security expert" when he had left the WH? Why wouldn't he want such a person working for him?

Also, good place to remind you that "bread" in French is PAIN.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:50 p.m. No.8329912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9921 >>9923


POTUS tweeted on Anton's book on Feb 14, but I didn't catch that until someone posted on the board I think. I didn't then realize you were supposed to scour all tweets. Anyone I caught that on Feb 17, and started furiously posting in every bread until someone (maybe Q) pointed out the "Kitchen is HOT" in Q2778. It hadn't even occurred to me that Q might respond. Then I calmed down somewhat.

The graphic shows a series of relevant events that form a rollout. Q first "returns" on Feb 9 and highlights this. On Feb 11 Anton appears on Tucker while the El Paso rally is playing. That had tons of Q proofs, if you recall, and then several Q posts mention 0 deltas.

The cat pic shows the cats at leisure. Then the book post comes on Feb 14, and on Feb 15, we see a repost of TWO planes in the air. Two cats at rest, then two planes aloft.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:52 p.m. No.8329921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9934


Finally, let's think, what would be the obvious thing to do if you wanted to check Anton's book for some confirmation? Look at page 17.


If you read and think through footnote 3, then you are liable to think he might as well tattoo a Q on his face. It is about "contriving" to get "symbolic numbers" to match up. Also, both Decius and Machiavelli are "roles" Anton has played before. (He has a book called The Suit, written as Machiavelli…)


THINK. Would someone who worked in communications at the NSC "accidentally" give his book a 17 word title? Would POTUS "accidentally" tweet this title?

How many coincidences do you need before you believe?

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.8329934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9945 >>9956


What is now apparent is that the identity of Q was "released" and then allowed to fester as a TRAP for the Fake News Media. Neon Revolt wrote up some of my posts on his blog, but I have never seen the FNM EVER mention that Anton "might" be Q. Now they're gonna get it!


All the prior material should make sense if you pay attention. But now I'll jump to "crazy" stuff.


ONE reason for "releasing" the info described is to set up a trap. But another reason is that it opens the door to a VAST array of new comms.


Here's an easy one: Panhandle. The Anton pic has a ton of panhandles in it, right? Where is Pensacola? The Florida panhandle. Every reference to Pensacola is a comm.


Many of the graphics coming below will be setting out some of these. Almost all are new, except as noted. Also, in days to come I will repost over 100 posts with graphics that have gotten "lost".


However, the single most crucial graphic is too large for the board. I aimed to complete it for posting on Oct 5, 2019, but as the board had not returned yet I didn't finish until after midnight I think.


When I was DONE, I checked the SHA512SUM ONCE and got EXACTLY THIS:



Trust but Verify.

The graphic is BIG, but "easier" than many others as intended for a wide audience.


Q55 is disinfo. POTUS will not be tweeting "My fellow Americans…" at least not as a signal to Anons. WE must destroy the Fake News Media FIRST.


Think about it. If POTUS overtly confirms Q while the Fake News Media still exists, then POTUS is on the hook for all the "crazy" stuff in early Q posts. Don't you think THEY have prepared for this? Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter? (That's what the qmap title says…) Don't you think they have mined EVERY batshit crazy insinuation and are ready for "the tweet"?


These people are STUPID!


STORM decode coming at end…


Many posts to come first now.. the ordering is less precise now… and the text for each was written separately… very last group returns more obvious coherence…


NOTE ADDED: repost from Feb 17

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:57 p.m. No.8329945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9958


This one packs a lot of stuff in if you know some basic comms.

POTUS misspells "role" as "roll". So that means "Let's Roll!"

The time starts with 93 so that confirms.

The date is Feb 15, one year delta from the F-15 post. That in itself is already Flight 93 related, because it was part of the "Flight 93" reveal last year, and suggests Q and Q+ aloft.

But go further. Q writes EM so it is marker for EM dash, the long character in: NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!.

That in itself has nothing to do with Flight 93. But EM dash itself takes on new meaning as a Flight 93 comm.


This could go further. Since the tweet is already a comm, the word "firing" could be taken as a "fire" comm. After the graphic was done, I noticed Q2732, also Feb 15 2019. I like the simple graphic, so I'll just post the cap. There are MANY ancillary clues that I leave out of graphics, but they might take you somewhere.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 7:59 p.m. No.8329958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9972


TY anons for the catch.


What day is today?

What day is tomorrow?

Why the title?

Double meaning?

Having fun yet?


NOTE: this was posted on Feb 17, but I'm leaving the text as it was. The comm worked in context.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.8329972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9982 >>9990


Look at the first graphic first. Q posted an empty post. Anons on the board surmised that Q got hit by a bug causing problems with pics.

But… if so wouldn't we expect Q to follow the empty post with a pic post. Instead, the next post is a twitter link. (And it is not in the main bread like Q3863 but in the suicide list thread…) So maybe the empty post was intentional?


Contrast with a recent time when Q did seem to fail to upload a pic. Q followed up with the pic, and made what seemed to be a joke about it. Now, for all I know, Q really did screw up the post, but did some quick thinking that ended up giving me a comm.


In any case, [pic_insert_retry] was an instruction to begin actively finding ways to push the pic at the given link. I had originally posted it on 11/30, and subsequently made a number of posts with clues meant to draw attention to it without actually reposting it. Following the comm, I started contriving various methods to push the actual link.


Now look at the second graphic. Q's empty post has a one-year delta with the "Flight 93" book tweet. It thus serves an additional confirmation that, contrary to the prior revealed plan, POTUS will NOT tweet the storm line or the meme.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:02 p.m. No.8329982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9994


Really like this one.

First, totally dependent on Anon deviantart catch. TY. Every real contribution helps!

Next, totally different "picture will be the signifier" angle. (Q2347)

Ends up with NYT pic… but two other pics are stepping stones.

Many routes to truth…

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:15 p.m. No.8330063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0071


Cap in first graphic shows last attempt to heed Q comm (3769): [Pic_insert_retry]

Two other caps followups.

THINK it out.

Made notables. Anons caught MD 9/11 memorial, 1900 in POTUS pic. Keep going.

Fail? Or win?

What is "not visible" under "IMPOSSIBLE PIC?"

THINK - relevant to other posts?


NOTE ADDED: this is a repost from Feb 17 - now the most recent attempt to "gain traction" was the Las Vegas comm series described near top

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:17 p.m. No.8330071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0078


Look closely at the the QMAP graphic in the image. Would you catch what is odd if you simply looked at QMAP (or one of the other sites)? It LOOKS like many other Q posts on an aggregator site. But Q actually posted the image here. And yet it LOOKS likes an Anon graphic, right?


Did Q simply steal an Anon graphic and post it without giving some Anon a (you)? Pretty low down! Not the normal practice, though… Q usually just replies to a graphic, right? But Q posted this one.


And it is obviously a recently made graphic, right, relevant to current events? So why does it have the filename IMG_1414.jpg? Makes no sense, right, unless the 1414 is a marker? And that works, since 1414 points to both Q1414 and Q2262, which themselves fit together.


But go further… if Q made the graphic, then perhaps some of the numbers IN the graphic are themselves markers?


Do Q54 and Q116 work? Does Q54 (just before Q55) mesh with MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP?


Think for yourself.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:19 p.m. No.8330078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0087


What do you need to make sense of this?

Do you see the three middle tweets as a likely comm?

Are you prepared to use any Q post in alternate ways?

Do you know basic Flight 93 comms? (Pensacola?)

Contrast the first tweet with the last. Coincidence?

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:23 p.m. No.8330101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0120


TY anon: 1st graphic from board, nice and simple, can't improve.

Q posted a blank in the main bread, then twice in the Suicide thread.

3 day weekend = Suicide Weekend


NOTE ADDED: this is a repost from early AM on Feb 17, President's Day Monday

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:26 p.m. No.8330120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0137


Oldfags know "saving Israel for last"… so any "Israel" is end marker?


Why switch Q aggregators for one post? Why not?


What is the bracketed letter in Q753?

What does it look like on 8kun?



NOTE ADDED: repost from Feb 17, reply there asked about WIN, see second post at very top of chain

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:29 p.m. No.8330137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0151


Several distinct moves here…

KEY element of graphic is POTUS RT, top left.

Initial clue: RT contains an IMAGE that LOOKS like a RT.

So maybe numbers IN image are comms? Yes.

Find the original RT from the image. IT has an image too. Comms in there too. Same move repeated.

Don't get cocky! Rarely SAME move three times, always a new twist…


Now look at successive tweets on left. (Here QMAP numbers are useful…)

Middle does relate to AS… he made up fake conversation, transcripts refute.


So…Q325 answers POTUS question, right?


REST of graphic requires understanding of Flight 93 comms, but that is getting reiterated through many posts in chain.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.8330203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0218


Several nice anon catches here.

All likely comms, right?

Do they make even more sense within a broader framework?

Last post is 2nd in chain of 35 posts. Capped from archive, hence odd look. Will repost later.



NOTE ADDED: Did repost, same link highlighted near top as most important:

>>8207826 (pb)

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:43 p.m. No.8330218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0240


For me, Q3849 is a marker that it's going down NOW, but understanding why is convoluted.

Better to use it as hook for elucidation of how comms build on comms, over and over.

Garish blue graphics are from last summer, whenever Anon posted Scavino pool pic. Once I realized what was up, I rushed to get it done "in time" (even though I figured there was an even chance it was just more disinfo…)

Look carefully and figure out what I did. Even in that graphic already many comms are building on comms.

Anons had caught relevance of Q314 to DS pic, and it hit me: 3/14.

Michael Anton had posted two connected articles on 3/11 and 3/14 that mirrored the dates 2/11 and 2/14. (No idea why PST time in book tweet… likely copied from board and never corrected until much later.)

(That was all apparently a trap for the evildoers, who seem to have pulled the NZ FF attack in response. Neon Revolt posted an article summarizing my posts on this but I never read it, thinking I shouldn't inflate ego…) Anyway, I didn't catch those Anton articles until later. On 3/14 I was frantically trying to figure out how to use GIMP as I thought it was going down on 3/15 and needed a graphic….


So Q314 -3/14. Look at the "break" between 3/11 and 3/14. Found relevant article with video and music. Graphic shows I matched the music in the vid to POTUS "correction".

Of course, disinfo. By that time I had been "taught" that failed "predictions" get "corrections", and this time I tried on my own, using additional POTUS tweet, so second graphic.


So.. Oasis "Wonderwall" marked in mind as nice comm. Jump to December. Preparing massive set of posts, and POTUS RR tweet triggers. (Had subsequently used Q476 in belated graphic on POTUS July 4 speech…) Resulting RR-out graphic is very terse, requires Anons to fill in steps. But THINK. EACH step makes sense on its own, right.


(Last pic is first comment on Q3849…. sometimes you need a little humor!)

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:47 p.m. No.8330240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0247


These people are SICK.

Do you think I check every POTUS timestamp in military time (or anything close)?

If I told you why I paid particular attention to these… actually maybe you can figure it out if you read all the posts.

These people are STUPID.


NOTE ADDED: He died the day after I realized I was putting him in a big graphic near the end, and downloaded the pic I use there. That is the truth. I don't understand it.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.8330265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0282


Originally was going to make much more complicated graphic, but felt like big 'chore', too 'forced' and out of place. Have much better big graphics elsewhere…

Why not strip it down and explain?

There are five POTUS RT's of the 2:17 vid. They came early in huge tweetstorm that started just before midnight. The DS vid came in same storm.

Was going to use Q615, Q1116, Q117. Why? Think. Many "clever" "back connections" but too clever, some already used, and didn't mesh overall.

On separate angle, wanted to somehow use DS vid since [looney] in Q3588.

Screencap with GW pic cut text at "That's all…" so had idea to combine, and cut extras.

Why was each vid capped at EXACTLY given spot?

Graphic is only useful if Anons study carefully, so why not just leave out all lines? The "missing" connections are obvious if you look, but the graphic only works if you think about bigger picture. Many graphics in other post chains are like this, leaving things out.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.8330282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0293


Think this out.

Q seems to repost a previously posted pic, obviously changing the filename to highlight recent catches…

Anon catches an anomolous ID…

Does the ID lead somewhere interesting?

Was "this" pic posted on interesting days in the past?

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.8330331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0336 >>0345


Think this one out after watching video.

Cruz often good for comms… smart, funny…

Vid cuts to Cruz oddly, and he opens highlighting Q keyword 'force'.

Both linked Q posts relate. (Graphic kept simple by not 'forcing' that issue here…)

Double POTUS tweet same day uses 'stuff' (= 'force'?).

Delta checks out: 1st BOOM is one of four.

Anonymous ID: 4202e2 March 5, 2020, 9:05 p.m. No.8330345   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What day is today?

What day is tomorrow?

The full meaning becomes clear only after the final post in this chain. Skip for now and come back.


NOTE: This was posted on Feb 17, but I'm leaving the text as it was. Some comms are context dependent, and if you miss them, they don't fully work anymore. But GRASPING that still matters. The comm is a nice one apart from that.