Anonymous ID: 9bf18e March 5, 2020, 8:08 p.m. No.8330013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The economic fallout from Coronavirus is a BLESSING to Trump.


The world economy has been slowing for many months, prior to Coronavirus. The US economy, while it looked good on paper, is a wet fart and has seen signs of slow growth for over a year. If Clinton won we’d already be in recession. Trump gave people optimism which kept the economy in life support. Oh, but what about those low unemployment numbers? Don’t be fucking naive. Trump rightfully called them out as bullshit when he was a candidate. They are still bullshit - they don’t count certain people, etc. Look it up.


So the economy is on life support - prior to covid-19. The Fed, either scared shitless of Trump who has the balls to shine a light on their nonsense, or secretly working with Trump to orderly bring down the system, props this phony market up by lowering rates over the last year.


But that shit doesn’t last. It’s a temporary fix to an serious problem.


Enter Coronavirus. This virus gives the patriots cover. The economy can start its orderly decline to recession to help clear out all the malinvestment from the artificially low interest rates of the Obama years, and Trump and the patriots can divert blame to the virus instead of the super complicated to understand truth of the matter - that the US economy has been in deep shit for years.


God willing they will actually help restore sound money and let the economy rebuild.


In the meantime, corona virus is the best thing that could have happened to them!