Anonymous ID: b1b051 March 5, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.8330512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Appeals judges on the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Thursday approved a request to investigate alleged war crimes committed by U.S. military forces, CIA personnel, the Taliban and Afghan forces in Afghanistan.


The move overturns a lower court decision and allows prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to launch a probe into alleged war crimes by U.S. forces for the first time, according to The Associated Press. The U.S. government has long refused to cooperate with the court.


"The Appeals Chamber considers it appropriate to amend the appealed decision to the effect that the prosecutor is authorized to commence an investigation into alleged crimes committed on the territory of Afghanistan since May 1, 2003, as well as other alleged crimes that have a nexus to the armed conflict in Afghanistan," presiding Judge Piotr Hofmanski said, ruling that the court's chief prosecutor had found appropriate grounds to probe alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.


Judges who heard pretrial arguments reportedly rejected Bensouda's request to open an investigation in April. The judges based their decision at the time on the belief that a lack of cooperation would inhibit the probe from concluding with convictions.

The global court's decision on Thursday upheld the appeal that Bensouda later filed.


The latest decision was praised by human rights groups who have repeatedly advocated for probes into the alleged atrocities committed in the region.


"The ICC Appeals Chamber's decision to green light an investigation of brutal crimes in Afghanistan despite extreme pressure on the court's independence reaffirms the court's essential role for victims when all other doors to justice are closed," Param-Preet Singh, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch, told the AP.



Attorneys representing victims of a U.S. torture program have argued that an ICC probe represents the final opportunity to gain justice for some of the alleged crimes that were committed.


"Today, the International Criminal Court breathed new life into the mantra that 'no one is above the law' and restored some hope that justice can be available - and applied - to all," Katherine Gallagher, a senior staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights and ICC Victims Legal Representative, said in a statement.


It remains unclear if anyone being investigated will cooperate with the investigation once it proceeds. Afghanistan and the U.S. have voiced opposition to the probe. The U.S. is not a member of the Hague-based court, and the Trump administration last year imposed travel restrictions on ICC employees, Reuters reported.

Bensouda has argued that there is basis for an investigation into the alleged mass killings of civilians by the Taliban, in addition to the torture of prisoners by Afghan forces. He reportedly believes there is cause to investigate U.S. forces for its treatment of prisoners as well.


The court's decision arrives less than a week after the U.S. signed an agreement with the Taliban that would withdraw thousands of American troops still in the country. But signs of trouble have already emerged, and the U.S. launched an airstrike on the Taliban on Wednesday.


A U.S. military spokesperson said the strike was launched to interrupt a Taliban attack on a checkpoint manned by the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.

Anonymous ID: b1b051 March 5, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.8330610   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denounced a decision by the International Criminal Court to allow an investigation of U.S. personnel for war crimes in Afghanistan just days after American officials signed a peace deal with the Taliban paving the way for a full withdrawal of troops.


In a Thursday statement, Pompeo called the timing of the ruling a "breathtaking action."


"It is all the more reckless for this ruling to come just days after the United States signed a historic peace deal on Afghanistan — the best chance for peace in a generation," Pompeo said, noting the Afghan government asked the ICC not to take this step.

The ICC is looking into potential war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Taliban, Afghan forces and CIA personnel. The investigation marks the first time the court's prosecutor has been authorized to investigate U.S. forces.


Pompeo noted the United States is not "a party" to the ICC and indicated Washington will continue its refusal to cooperate with the court.


"This is yet another reminder of what happens when multilateral bodies lack oversight and responsible leadership and become instead a vehicle for political vendettas," Pompeo said. "The ICC has today stumbled into a sorry affirmation of every denunciation made by its harshest critics over the past three decades."


Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda claimed U.S. personnel “committed acts of torture, cruel treatment, outrages upon personal dignity, rape and sexual violence against conflict-related detainees in Afghanistan and other locations, principally in the 2003-2004 period," The Associated Press reported.