Im undecided still but he has a few things going for him. No gay ass screen name trying to be le spooky operator, he isnt vague or cryptic, he has a lot of pictures in his videos I have no idea how he'd obtain without being some kinda operative, and finally he doesnt monetize anything or ask for money at all. So either way hes not a threat to us. His videos helped me red pill a leftie friend today, so I'd say hes doing good work in any case. My 2 cents.
The amount of intentional disinfo about him and the speed at which he is attacked only makes him seem more legit.
U wut m8? 'Got me wrong'? I dont disagree I think, we'll see what he does in future and he can earn trust fully if he does right.
That was my thinking, and maybe theyve realized the cryptic nature of Q needs more direct answers to redpill those on the other side of the aisle. I've had real trouble trying to get even conservatives on board due to the vague nature of the Q posts, but his stuff seems to resonate more. The JFK stuff is interesting, but I have no idea where to even start demanding those redacted files be released.