Vengeance is his.
If earth is our home then there are no homeless on earth.
I'm close to Trumps age and have the same color hair.
Feel free to use it.(;
If he gave a million dollars to everyone who votes for him he would have won but he's pretty dumb.
Instead some advertising agency just retired.
I've got another half hour if anyone has any questions.
A big wad just put senile Biden over the top.
Do the Jesuits fit into this theory?
I spent a weekend at the Howard Johnson trust fund family Shaver Lake cabin, 3 days of listening to idiots insulting each other 24/7.
Worst few days of my life. Vapid pieces of shit.
My dad was LAPD and they would do retreats with the Jesuits every year. Consisted of blind drunk tickle fights all weekend then confession to avoid hell.
Rich people are boring and stupid but they will pay the bill and have sex with anyone.
The reason I don't give a fuck, in the end the wolves are separated from the sheep and the sheep live Wonderfull lives. In fact it's already happened for those with eyes.
Be Trump Gods chosen or antichrist, it makes no difference it gets us closer to the end and the new beginning.
I bet his #1 question is how did I Marry such an ugly wife. It's always about sex.
OK my half hour turned into an hour and a half and I'll pay for it tomorrow/ today. Hope you learned something.
She may be one of the lucky ones, her future didn't bode well.
Hollywood may be worse than hell.
Who is more popular Q or Trump.
Tump hasn't said so sweetheart.
Those with eyes have seen the end child.
I doubt that, I'll let you take over though it's almost daylight. Judgement awaits you, chose wisely.