Anonymous ID: 3752fc March 6, 2020, 6:04 a.m. No.8332330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2414 >>2609 >>2682

Trump ditches CDC visit as coronavirus cases mount


President Trump abandoned plans to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday, traveling instead to Tennessee to see damage from this week’s tornadoes. A day earlier, Vice President Mike Pence said the president would sign an $8.3 billion bill to help tackle the coronavirus outbreak during his visit to the agency in Atlanta, Georgia. An official said the trip was canceled so that staff could focus on their mission of preventing the spread of the novel virus.


The agency has been the center of criticism over shortages of tests and mixed messaging about who should be tested. Trump's change of plan is sure to lead to renewed accusations that he is playing down the threat for political and economic reasons, while officials warn of a looming pandemic. Almost 100,000 coronavirus cases have been reported around the world. More than 225 cases have been confirmed in the United States, and the death toll in this country climbed to 14 on Friday.


On Thursday, the Senate passed the bill as part of an effort to reassure a fearful public that the government is doing everything possible to protect their health. It includes $300 million to deliver drugs to those in need and more than $2 billion to help federal, state, and local governments prepare for the threat. More than $1 billion will be used to tackle the virus overseas.

Anonymous ID: 3752fc March 6, 2020, 6:14 a.m. No.8332374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2414 >>2609 >>2682

60% of GOP say media using coronavirus as ‘tool to get Trump’: Rasmussen


Most Republicans believe that the nonstop media coverage of the coronavirus, and hits that the White House has bumbled the scare, are aimed at knocking President Trump, according to a new survey just released. In the poll shared with Secrets, Rasmussen Reports found that 60% of Republicans believe the virus is being used as a “tool to get Trump.” Said the analysis: “60% of Republicans believe instead that the media and some politicians are playing up the threat of coronavirus to hurt President Trump.”


The poll revealed good news for the administration, noting that many believe that the White House has handled the crisis well. “46% of all likely U.S. voters rate the federal government’s response to the coronavirus as good or excellent. Thirty percent (30%) say it’s doing a poor job,” it said.


While the administration has been working on the issue for nearly two months, starting with congressional meetings, a ban on flights from China, and a focus on testing and illegal border crossers from China, Democrats and the media initially ripped the response. Even Vice President Mike Pence’s selection by Trump to lead the united government effort was initially rapped. But over the past week, the administration has won applause for its efforts, and Pence’s calming influence has helped to steer attention to the effort to stop the spread of the virus.


Rasmussen also found that the public has a better view of how Trump is handling the crisis than former President Barack Obama’s handling of the ebola scare. “By comparison, 40% of Americans gave the government’s response to Ebola good or excellent marks in October 2014 after the first case was diagnosed in this country. Less than three weeks later, that number had fallen to 31%,” said Rasmussen.

Anonymous ID: 3752fc March 6, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.8332447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2609 >>2682

Twin Suicide Bombings Target US Embassy In Tunisia


The US Embassy in the Tunisian capital of Tunis was targeted in a twin suicide attack on Friday, described as the most serious attack on any US diplomatic building in months. Tunisia's interior ministry confirmed that two suicide bombers blew themselves up just outside the embassy, killing themselves and wounding five police officers and a civilian.


"Witnesses said a man on a motorbike blew himself up near the diplomatic mission in the Berges du Lac district, causing panic among pedestrians at the site," Al Jazeera reports of the details. The street outside the embassy appeared littered with debris and destroyed vehicles in the attack aftermath. However, the attackers didn't appear to get past the embassy's external security perimeter. "We heard a very powerful explosion … we saw the remains of the terrorist lying on the ground after he went on the motorbike towards the police," a local shopkeeper was cited in Al Jazeera as saying.


Since the 2011 Arab Spring swept away Tunisia's hard line secular regime, Salafists and other Muslim fundamentalists have reportedly been more visible in public life. The North African Mediterranean country has also witnessed sporadic terror attacks over the past years, including a major one last summer involving ISIS coordinating three blasts in the capital including near the French embassy. A policeman had been killed in that prior attack last year, which also wounded five others. While ISIS and al-Qaeda linked factions have been active over the past years in Tunisia and the region, and have typically been quick to own up to their attacks, there was no immediate claim of responsibility in the early aftermath of Friday's embassy attack.

Anonymous ID: 3752fc March 6, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.8332605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'''174 House Dems Vote Against Anti-Sexual-Predator Amendment


Dozens of Dems join GOP to prevent TSA from hiring people with sexual misconduct, terror convictions. Forty-two House Democrats bucked party leadership on Thursday to pass an amendment ensuring that individuals convicted of sex crimes, terrorism, and other violent offenses cannot be employed by the TSA. Despite their support for the #MeToo movement against sexual misconduct, 174 House Democrats voted against an amendment to the Rights for Transportation Security Officers Act that alters the way TSA disciplines and fires workers. The amendment divided Democrats on Thursday despite the fact that it was written by Democratic Rep. Lauren Underwood (Ill.). House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) criticized liberal lawmakers for attempting to sabotage efforts to safeguard the public from sexual predators. "[The amendment] was pulled back by leadership because the socialist wing of the party did not want to have that amendment go forward on this bill," McCarthy said on Thursday. "When it was offered, overwhelmingly the majority of the House would like to see the TSA not hire terrorists or those who have been convicted of sexual misconduct with minors and others. But the socialist wing of the party, that controls now the Democratic Party, said that that could not be offered."


Republicans were able to include the amendment in the bill only after Underwood and 41 other Democrats broke ranks to insert the language into the bill in a 227-175 vote. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D, Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), and Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), as well as House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D., Md.), all voted against Underwood's amendment when Rep. Debbie Lesko (R., Ariz.) put it forward in a motion to recommit—the last opportunity for a House bill to be amended before a final passage vote. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) did not vote on the motion. A top Republican aide criticized Democratic leaders for bowing to party leaders on the measure. "It's no surprise that Democrat logic in 2020 means taking marching orders from Justice Democrats to give TSA the ability to hire the Harvey Weinsteins of the world," the aide said. "A ‘second chance' for sex offenders shouldn't include patting down traveling families." Pelosi did not respond to a request for comment on why the amendment was pulled, nor did Underwood. Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, and Hoyer did not respond to requests for comment about the bill.

Anonymous ID: 3752fc March 6, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.8332671   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Personally I hate to stores like these are appealing in that less time in the stores, less money wasted, purchasing only what is needed and not having to do the job on a weekly basis. Quick runs to other places for produce, such as lettuce, ect, keeps focus on what is needed in addition to being in and out, less time wasted, for me.