Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 3:22 a.m. No.8331922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1934 >>1957 >>2234 >>2414 >>2609 >>2682

PLACEHOLDERS in the news - FISA dirt


"Comey’s Crossfire Hurricane team inserted blank pieces of paper into an FBI file used to document support for the FISA warrants on Carter Page which was cited in a barely-noticed footnote in Horowitz’s report.


The news of the “placeholders” was making the rounds on Wednesday and renewed calls for Attorney General Bill Barr to finally take action against Comey and his cabal."


"According to the footnote in Horowitz’ report, the “placeholders” did not meet the Woods requirements.


In total, the appendix to Horowitz’s report identified a total of 51 Woods Procedures violations by Comey’s FBI.


The “Woods Procedures” were designed to protect American citizens to “ensure accuracy with regard to … the facts supporting probable cause” after recurring abuses where the FBI presented inaccurate information to the FISC.


Congressman Nunes’ 2-page FISA memo released in February of 2018 suggested Comey’s cabal violated the Woods Procedures — and he was correct.


“The Woods File for Renewal Application No. 2 contains a piece of paper that states “Strat Plan” and another piece of paper that states “New 302,” “Feb Article,” and “March Article.” The case agent who compiled the Woods File for this application told us that these pieces of paper were “placeholders” he inserted into the file to indicate to the SSA reviewer that a supporting document existed, but that a copy of it was not placed into the file.” The footnote on page 420 of Horowitz’s report referring to the second Carter Page FISA renewal stated.


“We do not believe these placeholders met the Woods requirements because the descriptions of the referenced documents were vague and it was not clear to us why the actual documents could not have been included in the Woods File. We also observed that there was no notation of other record indicating that the agent and supervisor performing the factual accuracy review in fact examined the documents identified by the placeholders.”


Another blank “placeholder” was inserted into the FBI file on the 3rd FISA renewal application, once again violating the Woods Procedures.


“Similar to the Woods File for Renewal Application No. 2, the file for Renewal Application 3 contains a “placeholder” piece of paper that states “Strat Plan,” indicating to the SSA reviewer that a supporting document existed for the factual assertion, but that it was not placed into the Woods File. For the reasons noted above, we do not believe this placeholder met the Woods requirements.” a footnote on page 422 of Horowitz’s report stated."

Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 3:40 a.m. No.8331964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2092 >>2234 >>2414 >>2609 >>2682


Thanks baker. I did previously check to make sure that hadn't already been archived.


When I read that report, I thought it was outrageous that Comey had inserted BLANK PAGES into the FISA documentation as placeholders for whatever lies and garbage he decided to substitute later on. This act shows malice aforethought and intentional fraud and even treason. So, I thought it notable for future reference. Glad you agreed.

Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 3:43 a.m. No.8331971   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another Muhammadan who will be disappointed when he's denied entry to Islamic Heaven because he covered himself in pork products (the explosive) as he died.

Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 3:50 a.m. No.8331991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1998 >>2010 >>2032

Don't spit out your coffee!

Biden refers to chocolate Jesus as "the last guy"

Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 4:11 a.m. No.8332049   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part 1


Washington, D.C. – A sergeant from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department has come forward with allegations that department officials have been underreporting and downgrading alleged crime classifications.


The reason behind it?


Sergeant Charlotte Djossou says if crimes statistics appear to be lower, then officials get promotions and accolades for keeping perceived crime down.


The way the Sergeant sees it:


“It’s not OK to lie to the community.”


We couldn’t agree more.


'It’s not OK to lie to the community' | MPD whistleblower details alleged crime underreporting in the first interview. Sgt. Charlotte Djossou says she faced retaliation for reporting downgrading of crimes to supervisors. D.C. WAY OF LIFE!


— Sky Hawk (@ReporterRaz) March 5, 2020


Sergeant Charlotte Djossou says that she’d been getting backlash after having come forward with instances where crimes within D.C. have been getting misclassified under lesser charges than what evidence points to.


When she began to notice a trend in crimes getting allegedly undercharged, she was shocked:


“I was surprised. I didn’t want to believe it.”


Sergeant Djossou is a 15-year veteran with the MPD and was previously honored for her service with the department by Police Chief Peter Newsham. She’s blowing the lid off what she perceives to be a contortion of the truth, which can lead to an ill-informed public being at an unknown risk.


She’s claiming that supervisors within the department are instructing investigators to intentionally report crime charges as being far less than would they should genuinely be classified as.


Her theory in this is that officials want to make the city seem safer than what it genuinely is, in exchange for the rewards of crime appearing to decrease:


“The commanders and the captains get promoted, and they get awards, when the crime stats are low.”


The sergeant obtained internal police documents that establish credibility to her claims, which she handed over to the DC Council.


The evidence appears to show that commanders have made a habit of instructing personnel to lessen applied charges and investigation classifications while drafting police reports.


A model, according to Sergeant Djossou, that is going to pose serious dangers to the general public:


“Some people are so comfortable walking in the district. They will walk down any block. You know headphones, jogging, because they feel like the crime isn’t as bad as it is.”


Examples provided by documents produced showed two cases that could draw serious scrutiny with how they were classified.


There were two police reports of separate incidents examined.


One was an instance where a victim had their face and neck slashed with an unknown object. Another police report showed that a man had a knife held to his neck during a domestic violence incident.


Both of the above cases could easily be classified as “assault with a dangerous weapon”, which is a felony charge. However, both were only listed as “simple assault”, which would only result in a misdemeanor charge and six months jail time.


Another report cited by Sergeant Djossou was regarding a gunshot victim who entered a hospital to get treatment. Instead of the police filing the case as a firearm or shooting incident, it was only listed as a “pending investigation”.


Once again, leading to a misinformed public:


“It’s not OK to lie to the community about what’s going on around them. That’s what I saw happening.”


When Sergeant Djossou brought her concerns to department officials initially in 2015, what she allegedly got in return was retaliation. This came in the form of longer shifts, poor performance reviews, and being denied promotions, according to her.


Hey, @RepAdamSchiff, @SpeakerPelosi, & @SenSchumer: This is a real whistle blower. (BTW, Schiff, when is yours scheduled to testify):


Sgt. Charlotte Djossou says she faced retaliation for reporting downgrading of crimes to DC supervisors@NBC @ABC @CBSNews @CNNPolitics


— Jim Shea (@jshea794) March 5, 2020


The sergeant alleged that the retaliation continued for years, until her and Officer Tabitha Knight went public with their accusations this year. Sergeant Djossou and Officer Knight appeared before the D.C. City Council’s Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety on January 16th to bring light the alleged police cover ups ongoing within the MPD.

Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 4:11 a.m. No.8332050   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part 2


During the January appearance before the council, Committee Chairman Charles Allen stated:


“My staff right here we’re going to make sure we get connected as well, so that we can follow up and get some information that you have, and we will have further conversations.”


Yet, it’s been nearly two months since that appearance, and the council hasn’t updated the sergeant on their status of the investigation. According to Sergeant Djossou, she’s beginning to think that councilmember Allen doesn’t care to look into the allegations.


EXCLUSIVE: @DCPoliceDept whistleblower @CharlotteDjoss1 in her first interview. Details alleged crime underreporting by MPD, wonders why @charlesallen didn't keep his word to follow up after she and a fellow officer took the risky step to go public. @wusa9


— Eric Flack (@EricFlackTV) March 5, 2020


When local news crew WUSA9 reached out to the MPD for comment regarding the allegations made by Sergeant Djossou, they denied any kind of retaliation was brought against the sergeant.


When asked if any individual could receive awards or promotions for reducing crime in the city, the MPD answered with:


“Promotions are based on a number of factors but the member must exhibit a career worth of integrity, vision, accountability and leadership skills.”


Essentially, they neither confirmed or denied that reducing crime could get anyone promoted. A performance oversight hearing is scheduled for March 5th, where Chief Newsham will testify in front councilmember Allen. Erik Salmi, a spokesman for councilmember Allen, stated that Sergeant Djossou’s allegations will be addressed during the hearing.

Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 4:16 a.m. No.8332064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2077 >>2087


>And why all the emphasis on Costco?


I cannot answer that for the mockingbord media; but for me, that's where I buy my TP. Normally they have it stacked to the rafters, and it's a good price per roll. The huge packages they sell last a long time. Today I had to buy a smaller amount from a local grocery store, which still had plenty in stock.


So, apparently many folk are focusing on Costco for TP.

Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 4:26 a.m. No.8332084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2234 >>2414 >>2609 >>2682

This is very good news from my perspective:


ICE raids dozens of ‘birth tourism’ establishments in California: “Done with their games”


Part 1


CALIFORNIA – On March 3rd, immigration officials were entrenched in raids throughout the counties of Orange, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles in California.


These weren’t the typical raids, though: They were targeting what’s been described as suspected “birth tourism” establishments.


Federal Immigration Agents Swarm 3 Dozen California Sites in "Birth Tourism" Crackdown via @ThudNews


— SmithMEGA (@SmithMEGA007) March 5, 2020


These businesses are essentially operations where establishment owners charge pregnant women who are either legally or illegally in the country upwards of $50,000 in exchange for concealed housing, meals, and transportation to hospital appointments.


The purpose behind all this is for soon-to-be mothers capitalizing on the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees birthright citizenship.


Once a minor child attains birthright citizenship, it often compels immigration proceedings to grant some kind of status for the child’s parent or parents.


Basically, potentially expediting allotted statuses for the child’s caretakers which is often viewed as cutting the proverbial immigration line.


I'm so sick of birth tourism and the people who abuse it.


— Bellamy James ✝️🌊🌊🇺🇸❤️🧞‍♀️AAWOMAN ADOS (@SpiritofBellamy) March 5, 2020


In the raids that took place, agents investigated three dozen sites scattered throughout Southern California which were suspected “birth tourism” establishments.


One of the alleged businesses akin to the targeted raids is the JR Motel, a formerly operated motel in Orange that hosts 28 rooms. The now seemingly closed motel has been cited as allegedly violating zoning laws and harboring pregnant Chinese women.


Birth tourism hotel for Chinese moms in Orange gets second look


— O.C. Register (@ocregister) February 28, 2020

Reportedly, the JR Motel has been operating without any signage out front, nor with any implication that they were accepting room reservations from the general public.


However, the Orange County Register reported that the former motel hosted a nursery and even provided strollers to their unique occupants.


One day prior to the raids kicking off on March 3rd, the Orange Planning Commission voted to have the establishment’s motel license revoked.


Canada needs to start addressing and ending the practice of birth tourism like they are doing in the USA.

Orange moves to shut down motel that serves as birth tourism venue


— KL (@endbirthtourism) March 5, 2020


President Trump has been rather critical of birthright citizenship being exploited.


Last year in August, Trump stated the following on the topic:


“We’re looking at that very seriously. Birthright citizenship, where you have a baby on our land. You walk over the border, have a baby, congratulations, the baby’s now a U.S. citizen.


We’re looking at it very, very seriously. It’s, frankly, ridiculous.”


While the president’s phrasing might be considered insensitive to some, the manner he described it is spot on. No matter what the circumstances are of someone’s custodial parents, if they’re born on American soil then they’re a United States citizen.


In fact, it was issues related to “birth tourism” that caused the country of Ireland to abolish an unconditional, birthright citizenship model.


That move, made in 2004, was supported and passed by 80% of the voters within Ireland.


When Ireland amended their own constitution to reflect the new restrictions on birthright citizenship, BBC news commented on the motivation:


“The government said change was needed because foreign women were traveling to Ireland to give birth in order to get an EU passport for their babies.”


After the raids conducted this past Tuesday, immigration officials noted that there were zero arrests made at any of the suspected “birth tourism” facilities.


However, that’s not to say that there weren’t ongoing violations and illegal activities taking place.


#1e993d6efc0755b0bfc76c2161dd27e2 California raids target ‘birth tourism’ operations


— Manfred Rosenberg (@4PawShop) March 5, 2020


Federal immigration officials only noted that the raids were an effort to collect evidence of suspected visa and tax fraud within the facilities raided.

Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 4:29 a.m. No.8332090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2234 >>2414 >>2609 >>2682

ICE raids birth tourism in LA, Part 2


Officials declined to reveal what their findings were at any of the alleged “birth tourism” facilities.


According to the CBP’s website, there’s no federal law that expressly forbids non-citizens with a valid visa from entering the country while they’re pregnant.


However, the CBP website does warn that one can be denied entry into the country at the discretion of any CBP officer. Meaning that aspects related to a pregnant non-citizen’s due date can be wagered by the individual agent processing one’s entry.


That’s not all that’s going on with regard to immigration officials and the state of California either.


Last month, ICE was getting fed up with having immigration detainers being ignored in the state. Since California state sanctuary laws forbid state and local law enforcement from acknowledging immigration detainers, ICE decided it was time for immigration subpoenas.


Clearly, ICE is done playing games with these sanctuary states (and, frankly, it’s about damn time).


A press release from the agency was seething with embedded frustration on February 14th.


The release detailed the frustration that ICE has been dealing with in trying to get California to simply cooperate with their efforts to remove criminal illegal immigrants. Time and again, we’ve heard stories about how law enforcement agencies within sanctuary cities and states have refused to respect immigration detainers issued by ICE.


Among those frustrated is none other than Gregory Archambeault, who serves as the San Diego Field Office Director for ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations within the sanctuary state.


Within the press release, the Archambeault was quoted saying:


“The public needs to be aware and concerned that California sanctuary state laws do not protect public safety and is bad public policy. Criminal aliens are being released back into the community daily and most will re-offend resulting in more victims.”


What Archambeault is citing is plain common sense, since ICE has detailed time and again instances where criminal aliens could have been removed, but sanctuary cities shielded them. Just last month, ICE released a detailed account of the harm sanctuary cities like New York City are causing.


Archambeault continued expressing his disdain with these “woke” politics eroding public safety priorities:


“For ICE, the most concerning part about dealing with uncooperative jurisdictions, or places that are not allowed to work with us, is that we don’t always know who is being arrested, when they’ll be released, or if they are at-large in the community again.”


So now, instead of ICE relying on the hopes that California will abide by an immigration detainer request – they’ve upgraded to using an immigration subpoena. Several of them actually, naming specific individuals that the agency believes that San Diego County Sheriff’s Office has in their custody.


The announcement starts off with the following:


“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement served four immigration subpoenas Friday on the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office requesting information about multiple illegal aliens who were criminally arrested in San Diego, yet under California’s sanctuary state laws, the SDSO cannot honor immigration detainers or provide ICE non-public information about the criminal aliens to include notifying ICE if a criminal alien has been released back into the community.”


You see, subpoenas are a whole different can of worms than an immigration detainer.


Legally speaking, “detainers” are like requests that would typically get honored out of professional courtesy.


However, sanctuary states and cities have specifically instructed their state/city-run law enforcement branches to not cooperate with these requests. So, while they’re official requests, ignoring them has no real federal penalty.


That’s where subpoenas come in to play.


Granted, they’re a little timelier to get into motion since they require a judge’s signature.


But, once it’s signed, failure to abide equates to being held in contempt. Meaning folks can start getting fined or jailed for not complying with whatever information the subpoena requests.


ICE had no issues explaining why it has now come to this with California:


“ICE has not historically needed to use its lawful authority to issue subpoenas for information from other law enforcement agencies, as most law enforcement agencies throughout the country willingly provide ICE with information regarding aliens arrested for crimes in the interest of public safety.”

Anonymous ID: 38567a March 6, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.8332094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2234 >>2414 >>2609 >>2682

ICE raids birth tourism in LA, Part 3


What’s all the sadder is that the people ICE is looking to detain have some pretty horrendous criminal histories and allegations.


One of the persons ICE is seeking is a 28-year-old illegal alien arrested for was arrested for assault with force, great bodily injury, child cruelty and battery of spouse by the SDPD in January this year.


That person had already been removed several times from the country and already has a previous conviction in the states for battery on spouse.


One of the other persons ICE is ready to get custody of is a 40-year-old illegal alien who was arrested for continuing sexual abuse of a child, lewd and lascivious act of a child under fourteen years old, and oral copulation with a person under fourteen years old.


This arrest is on top of the two previous DUI convictions as well. The other two ICE are looking for aren’t winners either – with one having methamphetamine charges and the other charged for false imprisonment and battery of a spouse.


ICE explained in their release that this is the first time they’ve needed to do this in California. They noted that in January of this year they’d done the same in Denver, Connecticut and New York. The statement by ICE concluded that if these subpoenas issued get ignored, there will be consequences.