Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 5:16 a.m. No.8332188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2200 >>2213 >>2234 >>2236 >>2238 >>2414 >>2435 >>2609 >>2682


BIG confirmation from POTUS last night!


Here's the video of the town hall.


At roughly 15 mins in the video, Potus had just received a question about regulations and the EPA how they were squandering business.

POTUS went on to explain that it was easy for him to launch the economy just by getting the regulations out of the way.

At 15 minutes, POTUS makes a VERY IMPORTANT POINT.

Anons. PLEASE watch this.


Watch it with this in mind:

We've been digging the shit out of the Vanderbilt railroad empire.

We've connected the NY Central Railroad system owned by Vanderbilts to Kodak, Gannett (Which Q called a cult outright with the Anderson Cooper picture), American Express and Wells Fargo in Buffalo, all the way to Cleveland and the Standard Oil/Rockefeller empire!

The Michigan Central Railroad, also owned by the Vanderbilts, spurred Ford and Detroit auto industry, they also brought to life the McCormick family and International Harvester!


International Harvester is WITHIN A 2 DEGREES separation of Henniges and their management.

Henniges which was a national asset that was SOLD TO CHINA by HUNTER BIDEN.


Trains Trains Trains.

From Chicago we get to Arkansas with the American Transportation Corporation which was acquired by Navistar (the former mccormick owned international harvester).

AmTran was FORMED BY BILL CLINTON and a team of his swamp members.

One being Mack McLarty who was BC's first chief of staff when he was president!

Mac McLarty worked with Henry Kissinger in the consulting firm "Kissinger McLarty Associates."

…Can you begin to see?



now consider that and what potus had to say about railroads…

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 5:25 a.m. No.8332213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2234 >>2288 >>2414 >>2609 >>2682




There's so much more. We've been trying to get better digging into the trains lately. If the train dig = cult, potus and Q can't say word one about it. It would all be top secret info. Besides that, Oil, auto, electric (Edison is firmly plonked in this)…sure as shit sounds like DOE type info that would be top clearance level…say Q level?


There's so much more to do with trains.

Watco Company is owned in part by Andell Inc. which was founded by the children of Charles Bronfman, the Montreal based branch of the Bronfman family…

Watco works rail and port operations around the world, especially for Alcoa which was formed/financed by the Mellon banking empire.



Just this above brings in NXIVM through the Bronfmans,

Brings in Epstein through Wexner Center for the Arts which received huge donations from the Andrew W Mellon Foundation…

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.8332238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251 >>2252 >>2414 >>2609 >>2682


So with this summary provided in the OP.

Where does that leave us?

In Arkansas with the former AmTran company now being part of Navistar based in Chicago.

Navistar formerly International Harvester created by the McCormick family.

Chicago is the Obummer stomping ground…

And BIG MIKE's press secretary was Katie McCormick…of Chicago McCormick family…

Can you begin to see the complicity?


Now Amtran was based in Arkansas,

and formed by Bill Clinton, and Mack McLarty (among others, including the mayor of Little Rock).

Mack McLarty was a MEMBER (owner) and Director of UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD.

Seems like a fitting connection.

But wait, Union Pacific wasn't a Vanderbilt op right?

Could UP be how Soros took over for Vanderbilt?

Because we all know where there's dems there's soros.

What connections does he have to UP?

Also, what is the modern equivalent of the railroads in the gilded age?

Water transportation? Maersk? What did POTUS have to say about Maersk and the Dutch?

Is Maersk the new Vanderbilt?

What do they have in common…

Oh, did you know that the vanderbi…i mean Meghan Markle made it big on the DUTCH FOUNDED AND OWNED SHOW Deal or no Deal?…


Can you begin to see the mechanization of the literal CULT in our country? In the world?


Time to drop the 'hammer?'

Have I ever told you about that boat?

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 5:37 a.m. No.8332252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2271 >>2280 >>2283 >>2359 >>2414 >>2609 >>2682


And what industry sprung up upon the back of the physical railroad?


Western Union.

Founded where?

Owned by whom?

Ezra Cornell?

Cornell and Syracuse University?

Through the Genesee College?

QUID PRO QUO on the Morrill Land Grant Act?

Who attended Syracuse?



Syracuse was the end of the line of the natural waterways from NYC to Albany via the Hudson River, from Albany to Syracuse via the Mohawk River.

Then nothing. until the Erie Canal.

Then comes railroad.

Vanderbilt heavy presence in Syracuse.

Syracuse Unviersity?

Consider this:


Consider the Dutch influence that's insinuated.

The color of the Dutch royal family?


the mascot of Syracuse Unviersity?


Forward and backwards in time, doesn't matter, the cult pops up everywhere.

So modern day, focus on Union Pacific, Soros, and the Clintons. Navistar and the Obummers.

I'm sure eventually we'll get to the west coast and find NP and the wine outfits.

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 6:28 a.m. No.8332460   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What railroad serves the brewery?

BNSF if I remember correctly.

Enters US through Eagle Pass.

Corona formerly owned by Modelo, which was acquired by ABINBEV and the US rights sold to Constellation.

Clinton and donations to the CF are firmly placed in this deal.

But more curiously, Maria-sun (María Asunción Aramburuzabala) was the former heir to the modelo fortune. She sold the company.

She also married Tony Garza, a Bush acolyte and the HEAD OF THE TEXAS RAILROAD COMMISSION

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 6:31 a.m. No.8332478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2609 >>2682



On Canopy, the Sands who own Constellation, have a chummy relationship with none other than Chuckie "Randomly going crazy on the news" Schumer.

These links for the bread you posted anon?

Slightly before Chuckieboy went crazy lol.


The more we dig and reveal the crazier they get.

When we found the katie McCormick connection to BIG MIKE, rumors started to fly that SHE was going to be Biden's VP. lol


They have to run to protect themselves.

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 6:45 a.m. No.8332537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2572 >>2609 >>2682

New POTUS Twat, and I quote:



Reading Q drops for "JOBS" brings up some drops that emphasize jobs and economy being intimately tied to security.

Why is that?

Because we outsourced our manufacturing base to China?

How did that happen?


China has a DEATH GRIP on our manufacturing base.

They took over the majority of it, through shady deals and crooked politicians.


Because CHINA has billions of people that otherwise will walk down the street and protest if they don't have jobs and a reasonable quality of life.

China's debt bubble isn't because of reasonable business plans pursuing profits, it's because THEY GAVE LOANS TO ANYONE WHO COULD PROMISE JOBS.

To prop up the Chinese Commie party.


This exact issue in a nut shell.


POTUS is bringing back US manufacturing for JOBS, but also for SECURITY OF OUR COUNTRY.

The question you should ask, anons, is: what industry can I start a business in in order to contribute?

Contribute to the security of our country.

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 6:47 a.m. No.8332547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2555 >>2558 >>2598 >>2609 >>2682


We need verifiable digs into



and Union Pacific.

Who sits on their boards?

Who owns them?

who founded them?

How are ALL these fools connected to the CULT that was formed around the Vanderbilt Central Rail network?


Want further proof of the legacy of the Vanderbilt empire?

FORD who is inextricable connected to Vanderbilts, is forming a new Tech campus in the former Michigan Central Rail Terminal in Detroit!

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 6:48 a.m. No.8332555   🗄️.is 🔗kun



But anons,


The king of Short track is Genesee & Wyoming.

Based in…you guessed it, former Vanderbilt stomping ground Rochester, NY.

But doin't forget WATCO who is tied closely to Bronfman.


Rails have a lot of fucked up stuff going on anons.

Dig dig dig.

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 6:54 a.m. No.8332572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2609 >>2682




Through executive orders?


Bill Clinton did more to destroy the US Manufacturing base than anyone in the history of our country.


He not only facilitated it with free trade deals, and favored nation agreements, but he ALSO corruptly sold businesses off to the highest bidders.


They murdered controlling interests in companies, and corrupted/controlled the remaining family members. (think secret societies. think blackmail/control.)


I bet in most of these major manufacturing industries that got sold to China, you'll find random deaths of family members of the founders.

And I bet the last remaining family member is a mason/322, or some other controlled satanic shit.

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.8332608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2682

US Navy twat:




Maybe they're reinforcing the railroad direction?

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 7:04 a.m. No.8332618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2642


You're goddamned right. we've been working on this for a long ass time.


The point is to get the collective focus of the autists here to dig too.

we need big connections.

Generally we're looking for soros in the mix of those 3 railroads.

More specifically, the actions of clinton, B&H, in the railroads and the related industries.

Propping up their allies (donors), and selling out america to China (Bill Clinton china policies while in office are a great start.)

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 7:07 a.m. No.8332629   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nice anon.

Developed by Raytheon, a big US MIl contractor.

Founded by Vannevar Bush,

Current Chair and CEO is Thomas A. Kennedy.


Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 7:29 a.m. No.8332720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2729


Unsealing JFK reveals the creation and beginning of the system that created Epstein.


We've already touched on it.

Jackie Kennedy was close with the Mellon Family through Bunny.

They were Gulf Oil clowns who worked with the Bush family in Zapata Oil.

More relevant to Epstein, the Mellon family donates heavily to the Wexnar Cetner for the Arts.

Even more, the Mellons are tied to the Guinness family through Andy Warhol.

Warhol was friends/employer of Daphne and Christine Guinness, the sisters of Tom Guinness.

Tom married Rachel Chandler the Child Handler.

Even more? Mellons funded/founded the H. J. Heinz company who's current patriarch, christopher Heinz, was the Rosemont in Rosemont Seneca Partners with Joe Biden.


And on and on and on…

Anonymous ID: d169c2 March 6, 2020, 7:30 a.m. No.8332729   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Daphne Guinness married Spyros Niarchos of the Greek shipping cartel including the Niarchos, Livanos and ONASSIS families.


Jackie married who after JFK?

Pink panther.