Anonymous ID: 8e2bbd March 6, 2020, 8:55 a.m. No.8333263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3291 >>3394 >>3489

Soros Spends Big to Help Prosecutor Who Dropped Jussie Smollett Charges


George Soros and other liberal billionaires are pushing large sums of cash into Chicago to back the far-left prosecutor whose office dropped charges against Jussie Smollett, the actor who staged a "hate crime" he attributed to Trump supporters. The reelection efforts of Kim Foxx, state's attorney for Cook County, Ill., received a boost from the Illinois Justice & Public Safety PAC. The committee, founded to support Foxx, has spent six figures on media productions and direct mail backing Foxx's candidacy, state records show, making it Foxx's largest backer so far. The PAC received its entire $2 million budget from a group created and funded by Soros.


Soros has for years poured millions into district attorney and prosecutor races across the country backing candidates who want to radically overhaul the criminal justice system. The candidates often campaign on reducing incarceration rates by bringing lower-level charges for higher-level offenses. One such Soros-backed district attorney, Larry Krasner of Philadelphia, purged dozens of prosecutors primarily from the homicide division, drug enforcement, and civil asset forfeiture units within days of taking office. Foxx, who received $408,000 from Soros during her first election in 2016, set off widespread criticism for her office's handling of the Smollett case. The actor claimed he was attacked by two white masked individuals in the streets of Chicago who yelled "This is MAGA country," tied a rope around his neck, and doused him in bleach. The story quickly unraveled after evidence emerged that Smollett hired two men to fake the attack. Foxx's office dropped the charges against him. Following a special prosecutor's probe into Foxx's handling of the Smollett case, a grand jury indicted Smollett on six counts of disorderly conduct in relation to making false reports to the Chicago Police Department. Soros has renewed his support for Foxx in the wake of the Smollett controversy. On Feb. 19, the Democracy PAC, a federal super PAC Soros created for the 2020 elections, deposited $2 million into the coffers of the Illinois Justice & Public Safety PAC. That contribution is the pro-Foxx PAC's sole source of funding. Soros put $5.1 million into the Democracy PAC in the first half of 2019. Other deep-pocketed liberal donors and progressive groups have cut hefty checks to keep Foxx in office.


Donald Sussman, a billionaire hedge fund manager and major Democratic donor, has given $100,000 to Foxx's campaign. Fred Eychaner, chairman of Newsweb Corporation, has provided $600,000. Michael Sacks, CEO of the Chicago-based Grosvenor Capital Management, gave $400,000. EMILY's List, the SEIU, and the Real Justice PAC, a committee run by Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King, each sent hefty donations to Foxx's campaign. Unlike past prosecutor races in which Soros gave his preferred candidate a staggering fundraising advantage, the field has been level in the Chicago race. Bill Conway, one of Foxx's Democratic primary challengers, has been fueled by millions from his wealthy father. The primary will take place on March 17. Whitney Tymas, longtime treasurer for Soros's criminal justice PACs, and Sacks did not respond to inquiries. Sussman and Eychaner could not be reached for comment.

Anonymous ID: 8e2bbd March 6, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.8333369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3381 >>3423 >>3450

AOC urges illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census


One of the country's most polarizing politicians is calling for illegal immigrants to fill out the 2020 census. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told NBC's Seth Meyers on Thursday that "every single person, no matter your documentation status" should participate in filling out the once-in-a-decade record of persons dwelling in the United States. "We're all going to get mailed a prompt to fill out the census in the next two weeks or so," the New York Democrat said. "Every single person, no matter your documentation status, no matter your housing status, income, etc., is to be counted."


In 2019, Ocasio-Cortez condemned the idea of a citizenship question on the census, saying, “unspeakable horrors have been executed in the United States in the name of citizenship.” The census, which will begin on April 1, 2020, will be used to determine how government funds should be used to build a wide range of infrastructures such as schools, hospitals, homes, and supermarkets. A major debate around the census is related to how the numbers are used to alter congressional representation. Ten states are expected to either lose or gain congressional districts based on the results of the 2020 census.


President Trump stoked outrage in 2018 when his administration announced plans to reintroduce a citizenship question to the decennial U.S. census for the first time since 1950. Critics called the proposed citizenship question xenophobic and claimed its addition would suppress a true count of the populace, but proponents argued the measure would protect against voting discrimination. Federal Judge Jesse Furman ruled against the plan, writing that the implementation of a citizenship test would be both “arbitrary and capricious.”


The House voted last year to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress after they failed to respond to congressional subpoenas regarding the citizenship question. The Justice Department refused to charge the two men; Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that their failure to comply "did not constitute a crime." In June of 2019, the Trump administration said it would no longer pursue the citizenship addition after the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against the effort.