Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:47 p.m. No.833469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3811

re Kurds and Jews genetically related?

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3 Answers

Janet Median

Janet Median, BA Political Science & International Relations

Answered Jan 19, 2018 · Author has 164 answers and 68.5k answer views

Study finds close genetic connection between Jews, Kurds


"The people closest to the Jews from a genetic point of view may be the Kurds, according to results of a new study at the Hebrew University."


This might be explained by the fact that many now believe Abraham was a Kurd. Not to mention that Kurdistan is in the center of the Fertile Crescent, and is believed to be where the Garden of Eden is, where Noah's Arc came to rest and where several biblical prophets have been laid to rest.


Abraham was a Kurd


Noah's Ark


Tomb of Jewish prophet 'in danger' amid Iraq-Kurdish tensions


I would also like to note that the Kurds (Medes) are mentioned numerous times as protecting Jews from Assyrians in the Old Testament. Salahuddin, a Kurdish general, allowed Christians and Jews to remain in Israel unmolested, and gave

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.833471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

safe passage to tens of thousands of Crusaders, even though Crusaders had come to slaughter Muslims and even killed his sister. Cyrus, whose grandfather was the Mede (Kurdish) king, also gave protection to fleeing Jews. During WW2, Hitler sent an envoy to Kurdistan in order to convince the Kurds to side with the Germans (Kurds and Persians are also considered Aryans). The Kurds refused. Instead, Kurds helped thousands of Kurdish and non-Kurdish Jews escape to Israel during the Farhud instead. It's interesting that Kurds have always had a close relationship to Jews, and both groups have suffered millennia of persecution. Israel is also the only country that has openly supported Kurdish independence

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.833492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3622

The long-persecuted Kurds of Iraq are ramping up their calls for autonomy.

The air is cooler there, the skies bring more rains than the rest of Iraq, but the sea of Iraqi Kurds have waved the same flag since 1919: red, white and green, with a large yellow sun in the middle. It is this flag that represents their cries for independence and equality, having suffered years of oppression as a national minority.



Baghdad Rejects 'Second Israel', US and Australia Rejects Kurd Referendum


But what of the Kurdistan region's imminent referendum vote calling for statehood on Sept. 25, where rallies leading up to the highly contested vote, feature another flag rippling among the crowds: Israel’s?


The occupier of Palestinian lands has become the only country to support Iraqi Kurdistan’s separatism.


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Adam Mirani


Kurdish and Israeli flags out at the referendum rally in #Erbil #YesKurdistan #TwitterKurds


9:28 AM - Sep 16, 2017


36 people are talking about this

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While the long-persecuted Kurds of Iraq ramp up their calls for autonomy, moving away from simply being an autonomous region within Iraq led by the Kurdish Regional Government, to a country entirely separate from Baghdad, the situation begs the question: why does Israel support it?


A second Israel?


It was in 1966 that that Iraqi Defense Minister Abd al-Aziz al-Uqayli made the proclamation that the Kurds of Iraq are seeking to establish "a second Israel" in the Middle East.


Some 51 years later, Iraqi Vice President Nouri al-Maliki has emphatically declared the same, saying, “We will not allow the creation of a second Israel in the north of Iraq.”


While relations between Iraqi Kurdistan and Israel have become more transparent in recent years, the history between the two dates back many decades.


“There’s a preceding history dating back to at least the fifties,” Patrick Higgins, a Ph.D. student at the University of Houston who writes on the history of leftist Palestinian movements, told teleSUR. “These quiet ties are now coming out in the open.”

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.833507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3728

The long-persecuted Kurds of Iraq are ramping up their calls for autonomy.

The air is cooler there, the skies bring more rains than the rest of Iraq, but the sea of Iraqi Kurds have waved the same flag since 1919: red, white and green, with a large yellow sun in the middle. It is this flag that represents their cries for independence and equality, having suffered years of oppression as a national minority.



Baghdad Rejects 'Second Israel', US and Australia Rejects Kurd Referendum


But what of the Kurdistan region's imminent referendum vote calling for statehood on Sept. 25, where rallies leading up to the highly contested vote, feature another flag rippling among the crowds: Israel’s?


The occupier of Palestinian lands has become the only country to support Iraqi Kurdistan’s separatism.


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Adam Mirani


Kurdish and Israeli flags out at the referendum rally in #Erbil #YesKurdistan #TwitterKurds


9:28 AM - Sep 16, 2017


36 people are talking about this

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While the long-persecuted Kurds of Iraq ramp up their calls for autonomy, moving away from simply being an autonomous region within Iraq led by the Kurdish Regional Government, to a country entirely separate from Baghdad, the situation begs the question: why does Israel support it?


A second Israel?


It was in 1966 that that Iraqi Defense Minister Abd al-Aziz al-Uqayli made the proclamation that the Kurds of Iraq are seeking to establish "a second Israel" in the Middle East.


Some 51 years later, Iraqi Vice President Nouri al-Maliki has emphatically declared the same, saying, “We will not allow the creation of a second Israel in the north of Iraq.”


While relations between Iraqi Kurdistan and Israel have become more transparent in recent years, the history between the two dates back many

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.833511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3534

ndeed, it was just this week that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared, “the Kurds have been and will continue to be reliable and long-term allies of Israel since they are, like us, a minority group in the region.”


He added that the referendum is “the legitimate efforts of the Kurdish people to attain a state of its own.”


The late Israeli President Shimon Peres had also supported Iraqi Kurds and their quest for statehood, with hundreds in the Kurdistan region paying their respects to the former Israeli president when he died in 2016.


But this vocal support is fairly new and precedes a much quieter policy of support that began shortly after Palestine was expunged to make room for the state of Israel in 1948.

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.833516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In a bid to stave off the influence of neighboring anti-Zionist Arab countries, Higgins explained, Israel began creating an “alliance of the peripheries.”


“In order to undermine the idea of a united pan-Arab socialist state,” he said, one that supports the Palestinian struggle, “Israel (sought) to make ties with non-Arab Muslim actors.”


That policy of undermining pan-Arabism, which, according to Higgins, has expanded now into undermining the “Axis of Resistance” — that is, Iran, Syria, as well as Lebanese and Palestinian resistance movements — explains Israel’s underlying motive for supporting Iraqi Kurds.


Indeed, it was also this month that Israeli General Yair Golan openly said that an independent Kurdish region in Iraq would stem the influence of Iran.


“Given Iran’s presence in the east and instability in the region, a solid, stable, coherent Kurdish entity in the middle of this quagmire is not a bad idea,” the general stated during an event at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.


Iran — which opposes the Sept. 25 referendum — recognizes this alliance. According to an official within Iran’s Expediency Council, Ali Akbar Velayati, the existence of a secessionist Kurdish state in Iraq would only benefit of the United States and the “Zionist regime of Israel,” both of whom seek to “colonize and dominate” the Middle East, Press TV reported.

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.833519   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As Lebanese journalist and political commentator Osama al-Sharif wrote in the Jordan Times, “Netanyahu and his far right allies know very well that a unilateral Kurdish decision to cede from Iraq in the absence of an agreement over a number of contentious issues, least of which is the future of oil-rich Kirkuk province, would trigger a civil war that is likely to spill over.


“Destabilizing the region and weakening central governments will shift attention from Israel’s nefarious policies towards the Palestinians while hastening the process of colonization of what remains of the West Bank,” he continued.


Oil and money


But Israel’s support for Iraqi Kurdistan extends past politics: the two parties have deep-seated economic ties as well.


“The KRG has been quietly making all kinds of money with ties to Israel,” Higgins said.


According to a 2015 report by the Financial Times, Israel imported three-quarters of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan that year.


Beyond Israel, the oil-rich region and its quest for independence, has already fomented the support of oil corporations, not least of all due to the KRG’s cooperation with their demands.


In hopes of procuring financial support to create their own state, the KRG has violated both Iraqi law and OPEC treaties, subsidizing exports for oil corporations such as DNO International.

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.833520   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As Brad Blankenship wrote in Al-Masdar News, “What is developing in Iraq is a nation that will almost certainly be partitioned, not for the intention of conquering Iraq in the classical sense, but to use Kurdish oil to force the government in Baghdad to loosen public control over its own resources and to slow the rate of social progress.


“This, of course, has always been the goal sought by the West in Iraq even though Western governments are against Kurdish independence — at least on paper,” he added.


The United States has publicly opposed the Sept. 25 referendum — but that, said Higgins, is on the same page as Israel: the staving off of Iran’s influence in Baghdad. However, he added, for the United States, this translates into appeasing Iraq, which fiercely opposes the independence referendum.


Beyond economics: from military to intelligence


Beyond economic cooperation, Israel’s ongoing policy of supporting Iraqi Kurdish separatism, has also seen ties in the areas of agriculture, technology, education and sports.


The first official acknowledgment that Israel had provided aid to the Iraqi Kurds also extends as far back as 1980, when Prime Minister Menachem Begin revealed that Israel had supported them during their “uprising against the Iraqis between 1965 and 1975.” Israel had sent arms and ammunition then, later also helping with propaganda campaigns in Europe, courses for Kurdish medics, and creating schoolbooks in Kurdish.

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.833526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

While this military aid “took a backburner between 1975 and the 90s” due to “political developments in the region,” Higgins said, that has not stalled ties in recent years.


According to a report published in the New Yorker magazine in 2004, Israeli military and intelligence operatives were active in Kurdish areas in Iraq and provided training for commando units.


Israel has also used Iraqi Kurdistan as a base from which to obtain intelligence on Iraq, also using it to gather intelligence on Iran when the Islamic Republic came to power in 1979.


Mustafa Barzani himself, the most prominent Iraqi Kurdish nationalist leader, and the father of current KRG President Masoud Barzani, had gained the support of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, during his numerous independence struggles against Baghdad.

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.833528   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Beyond Sept. 25


As Iraqi Kurds take to the polls Monday, Israel can rest assured of its popularity among the population.



Netanyahu Says Israel Supports 'Independent Kurdish State'


According to a 2009 poll, 71 percent of KRG’s residents support establishing diplomatic relations with Israel, while 67 percent said they viewed relations between the two as an important step toward an independent Kurdistan.


While there is a split opinion among the group as to whether Iraqi Kurdistan should separate right now — evident by the “No for Now” campaign, that has voiced alarm that the plebiscite is less about Kurdish independence and more about Barzani consolidating his power — the joint flags at the rallies are an indication of Israel and Iraqi Kurdistan’s deep-rooted ties.


“The repression of the Kurdish, that’s where Israel has sought out its political interests,” Higgins affirmed.

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.833686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks…sounds good. Maybe this is one of the reasons Trump is always way ahead of them? They have lots of their kind leaking shit left and right to Trump. One to curry favor and perhaps your right. They might hate them pretty bad

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.833807   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes it is world wide. None of this would be possible without Patriots all over. Video of whatever countryś leaders raping and eating kids is really good for getting a soldier in Germany or Iran or Israel or England to throw in with a secretive group planning to coup the world.


This is not stopping at the Americas borders. It only is possible if America goes Patriot….because America has been used as the hammer of the Khazar….we bring everyone who wants to escape the Fiat Money Debt Slavery system back into line. Take America and any country that wants to escape has a real good shot now

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.833894   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are we being used to black mail the Luciferians? We get hints of videos and we meme and push it and then they never come out. Are we forcing the Khazar to beg and threaten then perhaps offer stuff to Q and Trump to hold off for a while? Could this be a clever way to get them to give us stuff like gold stashes? Mini nukes hidden in cities around the world? Plans of diseases and plagues they have? Maybe cures to diseases?


What else to they have to offer for more time?

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.833941   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You put that together yourself? I like the way that feels. Especially the further from the election and the chance of them killing Trump and putting kid fucking Pence in goes away.

Anonymous ID: de430f March 29, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.834116   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I guess there are some good cops left but I was shocked 15 years ago when I had some criminal issues…..cops can be fucking little tyrants. Two kind of cops…the one who dreams of protecting and serving and the high school bully jock that just enjoys power.


The Khazar has forced these police agencies to hire and promote ass clown bully types for a while. To intentionally drop the boot on society


Globalist dont want nice smart cops…they want dogs….mindless minions. Like the book Animal Farm…..the Pigs have stolen the litter of puppies and is mkultra training them to kill their fellow animals. Because we are all equal but some pigs are more equal that the rest.