trying desperately to establish secure back door comms
in between dropping weaponized mosquitos and ticks on citizens - and toxic molds and fungus for ruining crops? sounds like a plan
I knew this all in my soul from the second I popped out.
The least trusted EVER were those I was taught to trust
I felt like a freak and an outcast for 50 years.
I have dug and reeesearched and proven so many horrible truths over these years for myself, fuck the pleebs
I have been told how extremely negative and exhausting I am to talk to because I am only concerned with these very realities, not fiction feel good crap SORRY
well guess what
It's worse than even I have thought. It is deeper darker creepier and more prevalent than the worst skeptic in me has ever said.
It's ok, I forgive them all.
Do it Q
Do it Q+
The world is ready and we are here to help