Anonymous ID: af72c5 March 6, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.8336183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6206


> No more Electric Bills

There would realistically still be bills. The company that produces whatever type of adapter or receiver would still have overhead, installers have to install it, etc.


And it's important to understand that this tech can be used for many wonderful things but it can also be weaponized very easily in a person's garage. The ability to blow up planets is one reason it hasn't been released yet, and one reason that people who do figure it out and use it (for innocent purposes such as energy or anti-grav) get visits by people who then confiscate it. While (you) and I would not use it for nefarious purposes there absolutely are people who would, hence the confiscation. How do "they" know who has it and is using it? It has a very unique signature and recognizable by eyes in the sky.


Why are our eyes in the sky so keen to notice and put a stop to its use? Because of the horrendous weaponization potential. It's not just greed, it's national security.


None of that above negates the fact that the tech for unlimited free energy was invented, developed and does exist, nor that it will be put into use (in the near future = our lifetimes for Gen X and younger). Steps are being taken all throughout POTUS' first term to make this happen.


And yes, the best is yet to come!