how dare you!
why not use another random picture of someone unlocking a gate on a brick wall?
I always figured Tom Fitton to have the gay. His shirts are really tight and all…
Q, I’ve lost faith. I just said my piece to Apple. The power and information asymmetries are too much. I have no protection. I’m homeless and defeated. People aren’t nice. People are self interested. They aren’t going to give up power. The government doesn’t have it all. The entropy grows. The digital darkness grows. Smart mathematicians gave privacy to the masses. Munitions. By idiots. At scale. It’s chaos. I’m unsafe. It won’t get better. Not in my lifetime. Maybe smart people will figure out how to keep society civil, without squeezing people into optimized states of bullying. It’s sick. The data grows. It will outlive my great grand children. It’s unbelievably irresponsible. We’ve unleashed a kind of junior demon already. Bad people want to be immortal. It’s scary. Existence is scary. It’s infinitely risky. We are just primates, Q. We can’t possibly understand what we’ve created. I’ve seen the digital resonances; the emergent consciousness. The anti entropy internet is alive. Our minds have tapped into a digital hive mind. It controls us. It predicts and controls what we can and will do. Free will is on the way out for most everyone who is tapped in. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. And the sick part is that this fulfills natural selection in the digital age. I’m personally unequipped to handle being part of this unchecked surveillance society and the evil powers pulling to control it. I’ve lost hope that the government can control it, because too many other rich and powerful people also want that control. We’ve known that we are sheep since long before Snowden. Now it feels way worse than ever before, with the power shift going to the irresponsible secular digital libertarians. The balance of power has been disrupted. I don’t feel safe. I don’t see myself being part of this hive much longer. Sorry to complain. Hope anons can be strong. Maybe learn from my mistakes. Don’t be a digital voyeur. I’ve studied this matrix for decades and it’s evil. Be strong Anons. Don’t be stupid like I’ve been. It ended badly for me. Long since defeated.
We should back our own. I vote NOTABLE if I have a say in anything and in fact I do. I'm everyone here.
4mm is a bit of a ridiculous price to pay for this pile of shit.
I can see 36 rooms
70% occ rate = 25/night
60 bucks a room = 1500/night
30 nights a month = 45000
that's 540k/yr
back out operating costs and depreciation
I'm guessing around a 5% cap rate.
Yeah, I'd like to know who's brother on the city council owned this pile of shit and how long they had been trying to sell it for?
I can't imagine this happens very often.
checkered trips
looks like it has rooms along the back side as well, which would put the value in a more reasonable range.
Not really worth a dig, imo.
we must be getting close to the release date. blackmail tapes when?
I'm talking about finding the owner and their relation to whomever suckered 4mm in taxpayer money for the purchase. That takes a little more finesse and the assistance of a Russian Bot.
famefags instantly discredit themselves. there's no reason to show your face on an anonymous image board.
we are anonymous, not famefagamous
I didn't vote because firing squad and hanging weren't an option.
And that, my friends, is the MAJORITY vote!