Ya'll may want to dig on this, I did just a liitle digging and it is
=strange to say the least=
Firstly, the guy looks like he could be related to Tom Fitton from Judical Watch
Tom is one of 10 kids in his family.
well guise, this may be something we have to decode now
not sure if this is white hat or black hat
i when you anagram solve his "name"
Austin Steinbart
you get a few curiosities
the first that jumped at me is
"A Brainiest Stunt"
Antisera Bi Stunt
Antiisera : plural : Blood serum containing antibodies against specific antigens injected to treat or protect against specific diseases.
Bi : Biological
Stunt : Stunt
HMMMMM? Blood Biological Stunt
and then you get
Antisera Buns Tit
do you read this as comms?
Antisera Bust Tin
Antisera Butt Sin
Reattains Buns It
Reattains Bun Its
Moving the buns?
Intrastate Buns I
Intrastate Bun Is
Intrastate Sub In
Reattain Buns Its
Reattain Bun Sits
A Banters Intuits
Abstains Nuttier
Satanist Turbine
Satanist Tribune
Brainiest Taunts
A Turbans Tiniest
A Nabs Instituter
Baa Sinner Tuttis
Baa Sinners Tutti
Baa Runniest Tits
Baa Runtiest Snit
Baa Tine Intrusts
Airbase Nit Stunt
Airbase Stint Nut
Airbase Tin Stunt
Airbases Tint Tun
Abattises In Turn
means of defense formed by felled trees, or sometimes by bent trees, the ends of whose branches are sharpened and directed outwards, or against the enemy, and more recently fortified with barbed wire.
Abase Intrust Nit
Abate Intrust Sin
Abate Ruins Stint
Abstains Rune Tit
Abstain Ruse Tint
Abstain Utter Sin
Abstain Test Ruin
Arab Tiniest Nuts
Arab Nuttiness It
Arab Intents Suit
Arab Nuttiest Sin
Arab Unties Stint
Arab Unites Stint
Arab Unite Stints
Arab Nest Intuits
all the sabra stuff
Learn to pronounce
a Jew born in Israel (or before 1948 in Palestine)
Sabra Nuttiest In (sabra means Jew born in Israel) Nuttiest jew born in Isreal
Sabra Unite Stint (Jew born in Israel unite stint)
Sabra Untie Stint (Jew born in Israel untie stint)
Sabra Sent Intuit ( Jew born in Isreal sent an intuit)
Aruba means "well placed"
Aruba Nite Stintsnight shift?==
Aruba Tennis Tits
Aruba Steins Tint
Aruba Stein Stint (a well placed/ jew / fixed or allotted period of work)
Aruba Tennis Tits
Baas Tiniest Runt ( baas the cry of a sheep or lamb)
Baas Sinner Tutti (cry of sheep to be performed)
Antisera Bi Stunt
Antiisera: plural blood serum containing antibodies agaisnt specific antigens injected to treat or protect against specific diseases.
Bi- Biological
A Itinerant Busts (a person who travels from place to place)
Anagrams for: austin steinbart
166667 found. Displaying first 500:
I just looked at the first 500 and I am buzzing with questions
all PB
>>8335932 >>8335944 >>8335947 >>8335960 >>8335962 >>8336011 >>8336019 >>8336022 >>8336069 >>8336076 >>8336117 >>8336181 >>8336228 >>8336329