Anonymous ID: 36a4aa March 6, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.8338312   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8320 >>8326 >>8327 >>8329 >>8330 >>8333 >>8335 >>8357 >>8364 >>8366 >>8368 >>8405 >>8508 >>8788

I know this kid's getting over-posted here, but I never heard of him until yesterday.


I subscribed (cuz why not…info seemed on point) when he was at ~600 subscribers. Yesterday. He's grown almost 5-fold in 24 hours. 2.77K now. That seems… fast.


I know, I know…"no outside comms." That's a limited boundary. There ARE white-hat comms all over the place, obviously. Official Q-comms/drops only here.


He keeps saying ''"Here at Q"'' in his videos. Odd (in religious context, I think "blasphemous" would be the word, kek), but he's no doubt in an agency (knows markers too well not to be) and I have't caught him saying anything I thought was obviously wrong. Curious to see how it develops. Succinct videos = a good thing…if accurate.