Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.8338192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8217 >>8259

if anyone can post it again

two girl on a b/w checkered floor with cilantro in their mouths like a plant would be potted, a few sprigs, small corn tortilla on breasts and crotch. Seriously, I looked away as it werided me out and just moved on, but it is bothering days later, from this week, as i think it was a real event, not just for a funny porn thing. I would like to look again at one thing that stood out and I cannot find it.

Some anon posted it m-th this week.

any help would be appreciated

how do you search the Q research for images?

Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.8338259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8279




well that does not help me


how does one use that to search for a descrption of a pic

but thanks

i guess i can manually go over this weeks breads

i kind of feel like i have to now

for real, it is heavy on my heart and that is how The Lord speaks to me

buggin me for days now

and now I am being obedient to go back and look for what ever I am being led to look for relating to that image.

I really think it was a real event like in they were harmed, not there for fun or payment

huge siggggghhhhh from me

Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 7:59 p.m. No.8338279   🗄️.is 🔗kun


brunette girl with stomach tattoos and blonde girl no tattoos laying side by side

pic was upside down view

if you flipped it it was not so cute

blonde girls eys had terror in them that you missed as it was upside down, but whn flipped you don't see the "funny" taco stuff you only see her panic in her eyes

in background a really messy room or storage area, you don't really see that, but I do remember the details

I think that is why I just turned away

what can I do for them was my thought at the time

When I saw the panic when I flipped it, it scared me a bit.

now I just want to find it and get it to somoene who can maybe trace it?

Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 8:20 p.m. No.8338419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8428 >>8439 >>8499



here is just one of many blinds / blind items


then search CDaN ISLANDS


and learn about all that weirdness AND BLACKMAIL



Blind Items Revealed #14

March 4, 2019


It wasn't even a year ago that I wrote about a woman in a foreign country who was great friends with that foreign born DJ who was killed. The woman was also killed. Apparently there has now been another death. This time it is the best friend of the woman killed. The best friend was a big celebrity in the country. She was a model and television host and had been on reality shows in the country. She was just about A list in her country. Much like her friend who was killed, the celebrity started talking about the videotapes and that many of them featured men with very underage females. Because she had seen the list which police have yet to recover, she started naming names she had seen on the list. Most of the people on the list were high ranking members of society, the government and celebrities. After she named names, she was bombarded with death threats. The person who let her see the names was killed two months after letting our celebrity see the names. The celebrity protected herself for awhile by publicly posting to social media that if she died some strange death with drugs involved that it was not suicide. That protection lasted almost a year. Last week she was found dead. The government says she overdosed on cocaine and LSD. Uh huh.


Ines Cerruti/DJ Avicii/Playboy model Natacha Jaitt



TeeHee@U said…

Interesting that all the reveals minus like one was the really long winded ones lol.


But, so sad all around. Sex trafficking rings are disgusting. A Liam Neeson type needs to go Taken on these pedos.


12:20 PM

Vita said…

TeeHee@U–Good idea about needing a man with a particular set of skills!


This whole web with Avicii is really spooky and sad.


12:46 PM

Brian said…

It's remarkable that all these people have been "murdered" for knowing and talking too much about pedophiles, yet that talking always somehow made it's way to Enty but never to the police. Or if it did, I guess every officer in every police force in the world is in on the conspiracy to protect pedophiles.


12:55 PM

TwoDots said…

It’s also remarkable that those who clearly don’t enjoy this site continue to read and post here.


1:18 PM


Lucky13 said…

Makes me wonder about the Carl Beech trial in the UK.


According to him, top-ranking politicians, celebrities and heads of military abused him and other young boys in the 1970s and 80s, murdering some, yet he's currently on trial for perverting the cause of justice (basically, for lying and causing the police to waste £2million investigating his claims).


Yet, we hear of people who speak out about abuse and sex trafficking being murdered.


1:19 PM

HerBitchness said…

Who is, or rather was, Ines Cerruti? I don't think you got her last name right. Or at least, that is not her full name.


1:33 PM

Urban reader said…

Threatening these guys is always a bad idea. Ost the stuff and run, have your ducks in a row first. Killing the pedos is a much better idea.


1:42 PM

TeeHee@U said…

@Brian…I know you are not using logic now! LOL


However, I do believe that some Eyes Wide Shut shit definitely goes down with the elite/ celebrities. And, we all know what happened to Stanley….


I guess it is all about knowing and proving it. Though….it is weird what and who ENTY decides to out as murderers. Again, this website has a decent disclaimer saying he reserves the right to flat out lie. lol


And, I doubt ENTY cares too much about people complain giving how clicks/ comments = more revenue for the site/ advertising.


1:43 PM

Urban reader said…

Post the stuff, keyboards jeez.


1:43 PM

Charley said…

Inés was the younger sister of Queen Máxima of The Netherlands.


Their father was Jorge Zorreguieta


2:01 PM

Enthusiasm Quotes said…

Very Nice And Interesting Post, thank you for sharing

Interesting Inspirational Quotes

Excellence Quotes - Positive Life Quotes

Train Hard Quotes - Decent Images

Future Quotes - Anuj Somany

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Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 8:30 p.m. No.8338499   🗄️.is 🔗kun



FRIDAY, MARCH 06, 2020

Blind Item #9

Maybe he was nervous about the guests, or getting an early start on partying for the weekend, but this late night host was coked up last night.






Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 8:42 p.m. No.8338566   🗄️.is 🔗kun


she talks about the b hearings/ benghazi as well cannot find any footge online yet

she is such a biatch her response

like the ones questioning her were stupid

Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.8338578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8598


nope. she will top of ticket after brokered convention

there will be a Trump-vs-Hillary rematch top of ticket

must see event all eyes on worldwide to let Trump drip the dirt on camera

Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 8:47 p.m. No.8338598   🗄️.is 🔗kun



she is already talking about how the rules must be followed

bernie or biden will not make the cut with delegates and it will brokered by corrupt dnc

and she will be chosen again

it is their hail satan move

Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.8338675   🗄️.is 🔗kun


coery feldman is not cute in the least, how was a girl crush……fake spin on him…….

I met him and had dinner with him and a group winners for a radio giveawy/meet and dine thing

he kept going to the bathroom often and was not pleasant at all


Jason Hervey the older brother fro The Wonder Years tv show was there as well

Reno, NV early 90's

Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 9:05 p.m. No.8338735   🗄️.is 🔗kun



id # 753e5c

you are not a patriot or an anon

you are some fat sick tinydick fag

sick in your head

your next post glows

you are not one of us

you are a skeevy dude

Anonymous ID: d9b49c March 6, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.8338809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8820


oops pics for this guy

mccain and cemex tucson?

if he lives in az

mccain is /was the senator so not that odd to meet at events in state.

kid is going to shit that someone got his his pics?