Gmorning QArmy, all divisions, Patriots all!
This is a little off topic….C-virus and tornadoes and congrats to Mark Meadow btw!
Here goes (lets see if I can word this clearly enough to be understood).
How to see the future, which proves the past?
A machine that takes you to/from the future?
But if you go to the future, what about it can you bring back? (what are you seeing, watching, what is the basis? What would you physically be looking at or listening to there?)
Information in the form of writing?
Information on a platform? Social media? the Web? in the News reports? Books?
OK, so if I was transported to the future, the first thing I would do would be to read the current events - and anything else I could get my hands on. I would find a computer and google stuff, and I would come here.
(Are you getting the picture?)
So who is providing that feed?
The MSM vs the Patriots here on 8chan and on other Soc Med platforms.
Our good guys depend on our ability to keep the information flow today AND INTO THE FUTURE (an information bridge from now until then?)
Why are we under attack? Why is MSM lying about everything?
If we were shut down, people today couldn't experience the GA?
If MSM was the sole source, what would happen if you went to the future and used that source?
(Our patriots of tomorrow wouldn't have accurate intel to read when they go "there"?)
Keep up the archiving, the posting, the sharing, keep things off-line, print and file, write more books maybe? Have the truth available everywhere - it's vital!!!!!
Do NOT let them blow up the bridge!
(sorry if this has already been thought of, or if it's really kinda stupid.)