When people hurt you, don't take revenge.
Take the lesson and move on.
"Vengeance is mine", said the Lord.
Healthwise -
Take medicinal mushrooms. They will open your mind and protect your health.
be careful some of them like ayahuasca can really blow a hole in your head and you don't want that
learn to live in the world, not outside of it
very good advice, wish I had done that.
we will need more farmers very soon.
live on the land, grow your own food, with no fucking bosses controlling you.
get a grip. he's here now.
>I can tell you from experience, farming is not for everyone. It is a way of life, not just a job. If you have animals its 24/7/365.
I didn't grow up in that environment, but I know it's a LOT of hard work. I have a lot of respect for you and for those that do it with honesty and integrity & love their animals. I love animals but I could not do it 24/7…
she thinks she's in her own kitchen
negative Nancy farmer doesn't like her job.
Do something else then, nobody gives a fuck about your problems. this kind of shit is psychotic.
"the problem right now is community spread" -
Nassau County something on Fox now
never assume you know who you are talking to here
does she even play tennis?
who's playing on this elaborate tennis court?
who's paying for it?
the moral of the story is that there are far too many fucking pakistanis running our convenience stores.