Not notable you fucking retard. Not every spiral is pedo. It is a spiral triangles that are pedo, you ignorant piece of human garbage.
Don't chase pussy. Figure out who you are and work on being the best version of that. Pussy will come to you.
Drugs aren't real. If you want to expand you mind learn to and practice meditation.
Glow nigger glows. Makes you glow as well. Nigger.
New plan: You leave this time.
Looks like we have retard shill.
Do you think that impresses me? Tell all of the lies you wish, doesn't change the fact that you are retard shill.
It's not even a good Photoshop.
Glow nigger is a glow nigger. You are probably glowing as well, nigger.
I'm calling you out for posting fake and gay disinformation glow nigger videos. You are a glowing as well. Fuck off, go tell your boss that it didn't work this time either.
Nigger, you know this shit has been posted over and over again for the past week or something. You know the shit glows. You are trying to gaslight. It is not going to work. Fuck off and tell your boss that it failed again.
Still trying to shill the glow nigger. You failed. It did not work.
I watched enough to know disinformation when it glow that bright. I'm sorry you can't find a better job, but shilling for evil isn't a good path in life.
I hope your life gets better.
Top right of the map you will see U H and T buttons. U is what you want.