so you put up music of people reported to be . . . for fame who . . . ? ? ?
you are too obvious.
so you put up music of people reported to be . . . for fame who . . . ? ? ?
you are too obvious.
The persona of the product monger. It's party party comp comp sniff the white, pay the green, leave some comp and play these records. Yes, promote this crap.
and when the crap is interlaced with weird ritual-mongering, and a method to the madness of . . . harvesting that which good people do not harvest, there really isn't anything else to think about it.
the obviousness becomes real. The bad-seed music is promoted with it ritual pissing quality, it's if they don't do what we want we will shun them, no comp for you.
you'd think that it would be too clearly obvious that they wouldn't do it. But when baker is a shill and smoochy with his frenz, he put up the corporate music for his comp comp and brags like he's in worship to . . . so there is that.
this board is often fucked.
think of what these peopel do: they save porn and then they copy it into a paste program, like gimp, and then they get a picture of a head and paste it on to the porn bodies. It's someone well-known's image on a head.
they make porn images of . . . pepole who are well known that are fake and then . . . they lurk here and post it.
OK, so that fairly describes some of the behavior here.