I'm open to being shown to be wrong.
It's a big possibility.
However, I believe I am right
(otherwise I would change my mind)
All the evidence points in that direction (of me being correct).
The only people claiming it's a LARP or a HOAX are people who can't tell you what the motive for that would be.
We know what the motive is for our side. And we share it. Passionately.
About devotion to g-d and how that factors here?
In my tradition when the Earth is really suffering and the creatures are really suffering, G-d will manifest for us and rid the world of the demonic forces.
It's an old story.
Yeah, light always wins.
It's a well-known fact.
That why they evil ones have to work so hard and pretend they don't and the ones who believe in goodness are often blind, betrayed and lazy in their superiority.
Why work when you know in the end you will win anyway?
And also they can't conceive the depth of evil around them. It's out of the innocent range of their vision.
True. If something is too good to be true, it usually is.
On the other hand, Nature is miraculous.
I was taught "Nothing is to wonderful to happen. "
"Nothing is too good to be true"
If opportunity comes, it does not always come again.
One must grab it when it presents itself.
Why would I take a chance Q is a LARP, and let it pass me. What have I to lose?
I never believed my work and my lifelong hope would come to fruition.
Yes, I did what I did [study] almost as a religious sacrifice, as my devotional act, being unattached to the immediate fruit, but doing it because I knew I should. And always hoping.
I recognize that the lines:
"Nothing will ever change"
"It's always been this way and will be this way" is PROPAGANDA, pure and simple.
Often repeated to me over the years when I would try to "red-pill" someone.
The world is created beautiful, miraculous and perfect. The only thing that stops that
perfection is the evil people [humans] who work very hard ruining our world.
It's they who promote the notion that a state of suffering is our destiny, among those slightly wiser than the flock.
I'm a true Liberal y'all.